Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A sad day for students. But the battle isn't over yet, it moves back to the House. From Luke Swarthout over at PIRG:

Senate Votes 51-50 for Largest Cuts to Student Aid in History

This morning, the Senate voted 51 to 50, with Vice-President Cheney casting a tie-breaking vote, to cut $12.7 billion out of the student loan programs.  Rather than cutting lender subsidies, the bill takes approximately 70% of its savings from higher loan interest rates for borrowers and redirecting excessive student and parent payments to private lenders.  These cuts are not only the largest in the history of the student loan program, but also the largest single cut in the budget reconciliation package.  This budget bill will make student and families pay more for their loans so that Congress can direct new tax cuts to some of the wealthiest Americans.

Before the vote, Senator Conrad used a procedural maneuver to strip two non-germane provisions out of the bill.  As a result the newly amended reconciliation bill must return to the House to be approved.  Members of the House will now be able to reconsider their votes from early Monday morning, made mere hours after the final bill was introduced.  In the coming weeks, students will continue to make the case to Congress that they should stop this raid on student aid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Congress.

Maybe we'll get ANWR @ some point.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

This budget bill will make student and families pay more for their loans so that Congress can direct new tax cuts to some of the wealthiest Americans.

CORRECTION: that Congress can direct new tax cuts to all Americans, some of whom happen to be wealthy.

If you're going to report the story, you'd best do it truthfully.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Charlie:

All Americans do NOT receive a tax cut.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Kevin,

Not all Americans PAY taxes

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Shawn:

All Americans do pay payroll taxes.

What's RTV's stance on that? Oh yeah, raise them!!!

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you wonder why tuitition is so high and rising quickly? Artificial demand created by easy govt. money(ie taxpayer money). If the government didn't take so much money from taxpayers in the first place and then pass it onto students, there wouldn't be tuition nearly so high. Econ 101. Not that liberals understand supply and demand.

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me play my violin for you:

11:52 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...


As Sean and Adam have pointed out, all American's did recieve a tax cut, specifically a cut on their federal income tax. If they pay federal income tax, they got a tax cut.

If they did not/do not pay federal income taxes, there is nothing cut.

Will you conceed, now, you were incorrect?

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this does suck

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that tuition keeps skyrocketing? the education isn't getting any better per year!

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though many Americans criticize Bush/Cheney for handling the economy and likewise reflects into our college tuition, would it really be any better with a democrate or independent? they usually come from just as well off families. let's be truthful, politicians only look out for their own skin!

12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would someone please point out the clause or amendment in the Constitution that mandates education for all Americans as the responsibility of the Federal Government? You know the government isn't the only place to get a loan, there are these places called banks.

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean, it doesn't state what type of education...does it? as long as education is given... the gov't just makes sure we get education up to a certain age and after that its up to your family and yourself to go the extra limit and achieve high eduction. its not like the gov't saying go to college. so its hard for many to pay for college and achieve there goal which will help for future effency of life for the indiviual but they as have to keep up with everyone else who goes to college. so is it fair to have tax cuts on college when they should try to help all of us instead of taking it away. the gov't says equal education to all...but how can it be when many don't get the money to help the education which is being provided to students through the state ? how is it helping to take money away ?

8:29 PM  

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