Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Making an imPACT!: This has to be one of the more exciting stories I have read in a while. A group in Chicago called PACT is organizing young activists and bringing in the politicians to exchange views. This past weekend they got nearly 1000 (!!!) young people together in a room and heard pitches from the Governor of Illinois and his opponent in the upcoming election. The candidates outdid themselves trying to appeal to young voter interests.

Among its many issue oriented initiatives, "PACT is supporting a House bill that would make insurance companies extend health coverage of young adults in family plans to age 25."

As you know, Rock the Vote has been pushing for this health care reform to help young aduluts since the beginning of the 2004 election. Its great to see other groups fighting in the same cause.

Rock on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you're committed to lowering the cost of health care for younger workers, I take that to mean you support large, tax-free, medical savings accounts, right?

1:08 PM  

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