Thursday, December 08, 2005

"They fight and they vote." A good story in today's Washington Post about how in 2004 the government made a concerted effort to improve voter access for the troops, with considerable success:

The 2004 participation rate reflected an increase of 10 percentage points from 2000 and was far higher than last year's rate for the general public, which was 64 percent.

This goes to show that when the government wants you to vote, it can do a lot about it. The recent Carter-Baker Commission called for making the government responsible to register everyone to vote, which Rock the Vote strongly endorses. Read what FairVote has to say about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not show "that when the government wants you to vote, it can do a lot about it." I have mentioned before my friends in the military and believe me the process they go through to vote, if used here at home, would insure less than 30% voter turnout. The fact that these men and women vote in higher numbers than civilians is a testament to their belief and devotion to freedom and the rights for which they fight to uphold. By making voting easier for our fighting men and women it will help ensure their oversees ballots will not be neglected again as in 2000 where many military ballots were left uncounted or arrived too late for our troops to have their voice heard.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my political pet peeves is when liberals whine about so-called voter access. The fact of the matter is that nobody tries to suppress civilian voters. Every accusation of voter suppression in Florida and Ohio (in 2000 and 2004 respectively) turned out to be false.

This is opposed to the well documented efforts of the Dems to deliberately suppress military absentee ballots in Florida in 2000.

2:01 PM  

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