Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New research on "Gen Y" from Greenberg Quinlan Rosner and Polimetrix:

For those coming of age during a period where it seems there is no longer any safe haven, it begs the question: is this just the way it is? For those trying to search for an explanation in a time of chaos, one has to wonder: is this a sign the end of the world is at hand? This is the third part of our ongoing investigation into Gen-Y. In this study, we explore Gen-Y’s attitudes toward the future, their level of uncertainty in a world of uncertainty: how safe do they feel today amidst a new round of disasters, do they trust our government to protect us, and do they hold an apocalyptic vision to account for the spate of recent disasters?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right On Mike!!!

Shut up Hans, you're a tool!!!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Blog Sucks

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least when Hans and his ilk ram through their massive tax hike, we can all move to a low-tax haven like Estonia or Slovakia.

Perhaps I should start looking into real estate in Bermuda?

1:48 PM  

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