Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What’s new at Rock the Vote?

As a major national organization with real force in American culture, Rock the Vote attracts a lot of attention. That's our power, its why we are so successful.

So, now that the New Year is underway, you might be interested to know what we have planned for 2006, where we are in the aftermath of 2004, etc.

First of all, looking back: It was clear to us late in the 2004 cycle that we were having an incredible impact. By late August more than one million young people had already registered to vote through our website. We saw the signs of an historic increase in turnout in the making. So we let it all hang out and decided to play catch-up later. We're enormously proud of the fact that nearly 5 million more young people voted in 2004 than in 2000 and we're honored to have played a part in making that happen.

But it wasn't cheap, and like a lot of political organizations, we had to spend more than we could raise in the 2004 presidential cycle. That left us with a modest debt to carry forward. Its nothing new for us, and its worth noting that while we're gearing up for the future, many groups that did voter work in 2004 have closed doors.

This year, we’re taking advantage of the off-cycle to restructure and lay big plans for the future of the organization. A big emphasis for 2006 is going to be taking our online voter registration campaign, which generated 1.2 million voter registrations in 2004, to the next level.

2006-2008 is going to be bigger than ever. So keep watching... and keep talking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion, but if you want to have a bigger impact I suggest at least trying to be a non-partisan organization for the 06/08 election cycles. Perhaps present both sides of an issue by allowing guest columnists from both sides present their platforms and why its important to the youth of America and then let us decide who to vote for. I'd much rather have RTV go back to its mission statement instead of trying to be some left wing activist group attempting to change the minds of the youth of America while yelling to the rest of the country that you represent the core beliefs of the 20-somthings and younger.

RTV can be far more successful if you concentrate on your core goal, to get the youth of America to vote, instead of embracing a specific liberal political philosophy which makes half of America view the organization, and in turn all of us below the age of 30, as idiots.

For 2006 I think I'll agree with something Fox News states (shocking), RTV should report (both sides) and we should decide. In the meantime concentrate on that voter turnout so 2006/08 will be bigger than 04.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nonpartisan would be good. As of late it's been abundantly clear RTV is a synonym for "Democrat." I suspect that's at least in part the reason donations have dried up from some corporations, causing you to be nearly a million dollars and debt and having to fire all your staff leaving you with 2 total employees.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Matthieu said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is difficult, if not impossible, to support yet another left wing oriented organization that lacks any credibility for being fair. When you were just registering people and encouraging the acquisition of political knowledge, you were relevent. Not now. I believe I represent a growing number of conservative young people who are offended by one sided liberal rants.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

...and here I thought it would be hard to find people who wanted honest, true debate about issues, and not the one-sided that I've read presented in the last few months!

How refreshing!

Yes, please offer both sides of the debate. Perhaps you will be able to regain some credibilty, and thus a basis for fundraising. The recent news about the RTV organization is not at all bright.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats new at Rock the Vote? How about pathetic management that takes sides on issues and has charged up debt that is rival to President Bush...

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is funny, when Bush builds a large debit that is ok. But when Rock the Vote does it that is bad? All of you need to get off your high horse. I hate to say it but Rock the Vote has won. The fact that you are on this site proves they have won! If you like them or don't like them they still have won. You are clearly taking part in the process by being here and to me that is what Rock the Vote is about. Love them or Hate them, they make you think. You all have decided that you don't support them or their issues but they made you think, didn't they? So they won. I would also like to point out that Rock the Vote has never endorsed a candidate or a political party. They also register democrats and republics and any other party without question. If you don't like their views on issues that is fine. There are conservative groups that will support your issues. My advice to you is to find them and get active with them. But in the end Rock the Vote still won, you are now engaged which is the goal! And this is coming from someone who lives in the most conservative state in the union.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't think Bush is "ok." And frankly, I don't care if RTV rocks up debt. I do care when they claim to speak for my generation, and oppose things that are important to me, like ensuring Social Security will be around when I get old. And sure, RTV is free to be a liberal activist group. And nobody would complain if they acknowledged that fact. Yet they try to pretend to be a nonpartisan group. That makes them liars.

As for your silly little comment, RTV didn't make me engaged. That's like saying Ted Bundy did good by getting people "engaged."

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the anymous poster thinks that RTV won....what do you think?

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If RTV didn't leave over 1/2 of the people they are supposed to represent hanging on the social security issue perhaps they wouldn't be in this position. RTV had a great opportunity to represent the younger voters and have a real debate over SS and educate people. Instead they were led around by the DNC and the AARP. Now that the AARP is done with them they are letting them die.

RTV had the opportunity to really be a solid voice for the younger voters. Sadly they blew it and all they represent are left wing groups. The really bad part is that the younger voters really do need a nonpartisan group to help educate them and bring them together. They need a place that makes them think, not one that tells them what to think.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acutally, at approx. 2.6% of GDP, Bush's deficit really isn't that big.

Should be smaller this year in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP.

Under the best scenario, we might even get to Bush's stated goal of cutting the deficit in half two years early.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see what the big deal is. All the other youth groups have shut down after the election. Rock the Vote is still going and in fact is apparently gearing up for a big year. The fact that this is "newsworthy" just proves how powerful Rock the Vote really is.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see what the big deal is. All the other youth groups have shut down after the election. Rock the Vote is still going and in fact is apparently gearing up for a big year. The fact that this is "newsworthy" just proves how powerful Rock the Vote really is.

I had heard some rumor that Crock the Vote had run out of money. Disappointed to hear that's the case but not totally surprised. After all, how hard is it to get money when you're willing to go down on the largest lobbyist group in the U.S., the AARP, even despite the fact that they represent interests completely at odds with young americans.

2:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acutally, at approx. 2.6% of GDP, Bush's deficit really isn't that big.

Should be smaller this year in both absolute terms and as a percentage of GDP.

Under the best scenario, we might even get to Bush's stated goal of cutting the deficit in half two years early.

See, now that right there pisses me off. Being part of the steaming sack of crap that is S4, you must know that any reported deficit numbers don't count the fact that we're using payroll taxes to cover for our discretionary spending. Yet you insist on tossing Bush's salad at every opportunity. This is just another example of how much S4 sucks and gives change.

3:05 AM  
Blogger docweasel said...

"using payroll taxes to cover for our discretionary spending"??111
do you even have any concept of how the US tax system works?

Anyway, on topic, RTV proved again that pandering to the leftist fringe loses elections. In fact, their non-stop self-righteous preaching and Bush bashing probably alienated more people than it convinced. I say keep them in business, its moonbats like the ones who run RTV that keep the leftist's true agenda front and center, where everyone can see it, and where they can know how loony the left is, and so they can reject it. Kerry won a smaller percentage of the youth vote than Gore did, which seems to indicate RTV was successful in alienating more young people than they converted. Keep up the good work, moonbats.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, both sides of every issue are essential. However, this organization should not be relied upon to get young people to vote. We need more education that will allow all young people to become aware and involved, on whatever side they choose.

8:18 PM  

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