Thursday, February 09, 2006

From Bloomberg news: Michigan Teenage Mayor, U.S.'s Youngest, Attends Meetings, Prom

Sessions, a write-in candidate who defeated 51-year-old incumbent Doug Ingles by two votes to lead the city of 8,233, is trying to prove wrong critics who said it was a mistake to elect a teenager who has never held a full-time job. He's trying to fulfill a promise to make City Hall more responsive while luring employers to a community 98 miles (158 kilometers) southwest of Detroit that has been hit by plant closings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes. The teenage mayor. So how does this inexperienced mayor plan on creating more jobs?

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda sucks: Rock the Vote Is Stuck in a Hard Place (,1,3370120.story?coll=la-headlines-business)

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Rock the Vote can come back and be an effective force. Very cool to see the young Mayor too!

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicans don't create jobs, business does. I think it's a joke that they elected a teenage mayor. I really hope for his sake & the towns that he has an smooth first term as I would not put much faith in his abilty to handle difficult choices. It's nothing personal, just doesn't have the experience or the knowledge YET.

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he's smart he'll surround himself with people that are experienced. I have no problem with people electing teens to office, only in cases like the School Board who put a student on the council for representation do I have issues agreeing with. If this is the will of the voters and there is no law prohibiting an 18 year old from holding office then I wish him all the best of luck.

PS Anon is right, Gov't doesn't create jobs, businesses do. The only thing he can accomplish as Mayor to indirectly create more jobs is offer businesses tax breaks and other incentives to locate themselves inside their city limits.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock the vote needs to be more forward thinking when it comes to marketing its voice, and raising money. Celebrity is great and all, but this unilateral marketing approach is crisp! It's time to evolve and create a multi-dimensional format that speaks to all of us. ROCK isn't just about rock stars, it is our collective voice, load and soft.

The corporate insider interest is painfully obvious, and has been for years. How about a more diverse board next time? Thank God the press finally broke through. I hope RTV can salvage its identity and leverage its brand recognition in '06 and '08.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

Maybe Rock the Vote should actually be active in post-election years. I checked their website and they have updated virtually nothing since Nov. 12, 2004. The organization is bankrupt becaue they trust idealist 20 somethings to balance their fleeting moments of fame with the tremendous responsibility of...well, being responsible with their benefactors' cash. It's no wonder the organization is going under. I don't think Rock the Vote will come back, and if they do it will only be to generate another ostentatious effort to galvanize the youth to vote on non-issues under a false sense of liberal import. The organization is a farce. Expect an espose in the next week or so. Until then, fie on it all. I hope this post isn't censored.

11:12 PM  

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