Monday, April 17, 2006

Update on that Harvard IOP poll: The progressive political analyst Ruy Teixeira writes a piece about how college students self-identified as liberal rather than conservative by a 2-to-1 margin in the Harvard poll...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"College Students are liberal..."

"...this just in, we interrupt this to bring you the results of a shocking new study...apparently, Pope Benedict is, of all things, a Catholic!!!"

Oh my god!!! Imagine that!!!

9:19 PM  
Blogger Donkey Patrol said...

And really? Liberals are more likely to be vocal about their convictions than conservatives? Imagine that. We have professors battering down the doors of religion and morality, dismissing notions of a higher power as obsolete and philistine, and brainwashing our young people to believe that they have the right to think, feel, believe, say, and screw up any way they want. We have higher education diametrically opposed to any semblance of conservatism, and then wonder why conservatives aren't more vocal about their opinion? Maybe they would be if their professors wouldn't ridicule them in class. Maybe if higher education actually educated students instead of regugitating the same diluted post-modern tossings then there would be a proliferation of ideas, and maybe conservative students could lend their voices to the clarion call of academia. As it stands now, scholars and sages beg conservative kids to fork over tens of thousands of dollars only to be told to keep their mouths shut and their brains in the "off" position. I wonder what would happen if conservative students stood up? I wonder what would happen if the burnt out, immoral, self absorbed, and degenerate leftist youth gave room at the table for young conservative scholars? It's something to think about, and something that as a conservative, I feel I have a right to think and speak about.

I hate Rock the Vote.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to know that this place is still the same cesspool of propaganda that it was a few months ago.

Rock the Vote is truly a pitiful organization.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a more serious note, the two big things that send most people rightward are mortgages and children. By definition, most college students have neither of these things. Let's see if they stay liberal when they have two kids and are paying a mortgage while the government steals a third of their paycheck.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you hit the nail on the head cahnman. funny watching how hippies and counterculture dumbasses from the 60's and 70's are now the ones driving expensive, gas guzzling cars, working for those evil, corporate empires. we see how strong someone's convictions are when they get hit in the wallet.

12:38 PM  

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