Thursday, May 25, 2006

News alert: Bill O'Reilly thinks Daily Show viewers are uninformed!

In a recent show, conservative bomb-thrower Bill O'Reilly attacked young voters as uniformed on the issues (presumably because they don't agree with him, right?), accusing young people of getting their information from Jon Stewart and bomb-throwing rock stars instead of crediible sources, by which we presume he meant himself.

According to Media Matters, a media watchdog organization:

Bill O'Reilly asserted that "[m]any Americans ages 18 to 24 have no idea what's going on," stating that they "get their news from [Comedy Central host] Jon Stewart and their point of view from bomb-throwing entertainers." In fact, studies have shown that viewers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Stewart are consistently better informed about current events than consumers of other media, and Daily Show viewers are significantly better educated than viewers of The O'Reilly Factor. Further, consumers of Fox News in general have been found to be significantly more misinformed about current events than consumers of other mainstream media.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, interesting Hans, you quote Media Matters and somehow they conveniently leave off the fact that O'Reilly continues to quote the recent poll that showed many of our peers can't locate Mississippi or Iraq on a map. Also, to consider Stewart a more credible source for news than Fox is absurd... of course I can't verify Media Matter's quote because you didn't provide a link (thanks) and the cherry picked pullquote you provided has no link to their supposed "studies" that show "consumers of Fox News in general have been found to be significantly more misinformed about current events than consumers of other mainstream media" or that "viewers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Stewart are consistently better informed about current events than consumers of other media" or that "Daily Show viewers are significantly better educated than viewers of The O'Reilly Factor"

I guess I'll just have to take yours and Media Matter's word for that.

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you missed O'Reilly's point: young voters are uninformed on the issues. I agree completely. My friends and many other peers don't even know who is running much less the issues. The very few that know of the issues know little about the issues.

I watch the Daily show, Fox News, CNN, read the newspaper, and read online papers. The Daily Show doesn't do a very good job of informing voters on the issues and I wouldn't recommend to anyone that they get their information from the Daily's funny but not too factual.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

I'm outside your core demographic (male/42), but I do watch the Daily Show... it's hilarious.

Is it news? Hardly. Is it fair? Almost never.

Is funny? Damn funny!!
So is Doonesbury, but even Trudeau knows his work is an editorial, not news.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean, sorry, but you're clueless.

A year-long study by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes


reported that Americans who relied on the Fox News Channel for their coverage of the Iraq war were the most likely to believe misinformation about the war, whatever their political affiliation may be. Those mistaken facts, the study found, increased viewers' support for the war.

The study found that, in general, people who watched Fox News were, more than for other sources, convinced of several untrue propositions which were actively promoted by the Bush administration and the cheerleading media led by Fox, in rallying support for the invasion of Iraq:

(percentages are of all poll respondents, not just Fox watchers)

57% believed the falsity that Iraq gave substantial support to Al-Qaida, or was directly involved in the September 11 attacks. (48% after invasion)
69% believed the falsity that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11 attacks.
22% believed the falsity that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq. (21% believed that chem/bio weapons had actually been used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq during 2003)


7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, hate to break it to you, but we recently declassified a ton of documents from Saddam's regieme that shows substantial cooperation between Saddam and Al Qaeda. This began shortly after the first gulf war in 1991 and continued until (at least) late 2001, three months after 9/11.

In 1998, two months after the East African embassy bombings which conincided with the Clinton administrations sporadic bombings of Iraqi weapoons factories, Saddam sent a team of intelligence operatives to meet with bin Laden in Afghanistan where they decided to work together to persue common interests.

Steve Hayes has been chroicling this in the weekly standard for several years:
(I've only linked to one, but you can find several more articles on the topic listed at the bottom of the page.)

Steve's work is the final nail in the coffin discrediting the crock of you know what known as the 9/11 commission.

And, oh yeah, Jon Stewart used to be funny, but his ego has grown along with his ratings (which, despite their tremendous growth, are still less than one-tenth of Rush's ratings). Personally, I find him quite tiresome.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that there is a lot of truth to what Hans is saying. The main issue here is that young people are simply not as informed as other age demographics. I find it is mostly because they find politics boring and they honestly don't care what is happening to our country.

I consider myself an informed young person. I watch CNN, read the New York Times and other various news sources everyday. I try to keep up on all political issues and I also try very hard to form my own opinion of things. My friends, on the other hand, spend most of their time watching MTV. And we're talking about college kids here.

I'm sure that young viewer watching the Daily Show are slightly more informed based on the simply fact that they are watching a news based show. If they are interested in it, that means they are most likely interested in current events. I watch the Daily Show and I love it. I am also a liberal and I can see how conservatives like O'Reilly would feel strongly against it. But I disagree that Daily Show viewers are not informed and I agree that O'Reilly doesn't like the show because it paints the President and other Republicans in a bad light.

For those of you who truely believe that young people who watch the Daily Show are less informed, get out there on the streets and do your own polls. I think you will be surprised by the results.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the grand scheme of things in this great country of ours.....are we all misinformed by the media?

Just check out what intelligent people OUTSIDE our borders see.


6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I won't rehash what cahnman posted, but I don't think I've heard heard a single news report claim Saddam was involved in 9/11, not on any news station even Fox. I really have no idea where that came from as I know Bush hasn't said anything to that extent in any of his lead up to the War (a quick search of his State of the Union speech will validate that point). I do know many on the left throw that out like its been a stated fact, as their own pitiful straw man argument, but I seriously doubt there is any evidence of Fox or Bush claiming Saddam planned or funded 9/11. Helped Al Quaida? Yes, absolutely, but was part of 9/11... no.

BTW we have found chemical weapons in Iraq and have just uncovered several documents claiming Saddam buried several weapons caches in the desert. I'm sure Saddam didn't use laughing gas on the Kurds or the Iranians, but who knows?! I'm positive its far more plausible that Saddam made up the claims of having Weapons of Mass Destruction as one giant world-wide gag and just simply shot the Kurds but hired several makeup artists to make it appear that they died from deadly gas just to keep up his fantastic charade. Yeah, that makes far more sense.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that we young americans are more concerned with living our lives, ie: expressing ourselves, learing, having lots of sex, and being young. We hear about the death occuring, and we watch the white-haired men attempt to justify their actions, and we fork over all our money to fill our piece-a-sh*t-high-gas-mileage cars and we wonder what the f*ck is this war doing for us. Moreover, what the f*ck is this war doing for the Iraqi?; civil war? Then we come to realize that the "American Dream" b*llsh*t they force feed us in grade school was exactly that. We feel disenfranchised by our "public servants'" coded, beat-around-bush, rhetorically-fashioned, full-a-sh*t babble. We find solidarity is comedians, such as John Stewart who like us, get the joke that our leader, our president, can't even talk to his own f*cking people without making a complete mockery of himself. We also seek refuge in sub-cultures which various musicians unconsciencely lead and provide us sepremecy from the swine while they, so appropriately, express our similar distain for the state the leadership of our country is in. Now do bastards get our "dumb" and "unconcerned" asses?

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"we wonder what the f*ck is this war doing for us."

Yeah, god forbid we create allied governments in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq, that can only hurt us in the broader war with the irreconcilable wing on Islam.

A democratic middle east: Perish The Thought!

This has been Cahnman!

Cahnman out.

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When i say "us" i refer to the youth in America. Im could care less what "allies" my crooked government gain from their oil crusades. And if you believe we're over there to create a democratic middle east, I question your wisdom. We are there create and strongarm foreign governments to cater to our government's interests, and not that of their own people's. Furthermore sir, if you believe, for an instant, that our own government is a shining example of democracy then you aren't only unwise; you are also, blind.

"This has been Cahnman!Cahnman out."
10-4 you narcissistic moron?

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous, you are most likely some under 25, naive moron who believes that communism or socialism is the cure to all the problems in the world, and that the evil, undemocratic united states is the root of all the world's woes. honestly speaking, i really don't give a shit about people in other countries. i care about the people in the UNITED STATES. do you really think that people in the uk, germany, china, japan, chile, peru, or mexico care about american citizens? and as for seeking refuge in sub-cultures providing you with "sepremecy", get a life my friend. i would bet money that you're probably from some upper middle class family with rich white kid guilt. btw, learn how to spell if you want to appear intelligent, worldly and knowledgeable.

11:19 AM  
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4:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, Adam Cahn aka Cahnmann aka Conman, is basically Bush's official salad tosser. See, if he were actually intellectually honest, after stating as fact that "In 1998, two months after the East African embassy bombings which conincided with the Clinton administrations sporadic bombings of Iraqi weapoons factories, Saddam sent a team of intelligence operatives to meet with bin Laden in Afghanistan where they decided to work together to persue common interests", Conman would note that bombing of iraqi sites caused a secular dictator to get into bed with radical islamic leaders. Then he'd rub his two brain cells together and realize that bombing iraq or other mideast countries means uniting otherwise antagonistic arab groups together in hatred of the United States. If he genuinely cared about our Socialist Insecurity crisis as members of S4 supposedly do, he'd also realize that it also costs our country billions we can't afford. What total incompetance.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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duyenduyen tieuthu: so she went
Andrew Ng: got disc.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: can i see you darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: she also doesn't know
Andrew Ng: why?
duyenduyen tieuthu: huh?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know
Andrew Ng: i will try not to hurt you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know because i love me so much
Andrew Ng: promise me you will not be angry with me/
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: i wont be angry with you if you dont make me hurt
Andrew Ng: you are the only girl i love and will always love.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: i wont hurt you darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes thank you
Andrew Ng: and i hope i can always make you happy darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: thank you
Andrew Ng:
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: wow. u look so cute.
duyenduyen tieuthu: what day in octoer will you come here?
duyenduyen tieuthu: october
Andrew Ng:
Andrew Ng: by october 15 darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: i am looking forward to be with you.will you be shy to be with me?
duyenduyen tieuthu: if you aren't old so much as my dad
Andrew Ng: your dad is 46 and i am 41. almost like him. will you be shy?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know
Andrew Ng: will you still marry me?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i know your age is younger than my dad but i dont know about your looks
Andrew Ng: darling, i hope you be strong to stand by me and not let age destroy our love.
Andrew Ng: i look like elvis presley ha??? hahahaahah
duyenduyen tieuthu: your looks is same 41 or 40 or 39 or 42 or 43 or44 or...?
duyenduyen tieuthu: waht???
Andrew Ng: just joking/
duyenduyen tieuthu: i had heard about him but i dont see him
duyenduyen tieuthu: do you have a long hair??
Andrew Ng: definitely you are more beautiful than I.darling. will you be ashamed of me?
Andrew Ng: My hair is ok.
Andrew Ng: not as long as look so cute with your pony tails.
duyenduyen tieuthu: if i am not wrong is elvis presley has a long hair and curly ( right or worng)
Andrew Ng: long hair right. but not curly.
duyenduyen tieuthu: thanks
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: u going to keep your hair longer.
Andrew Ng: is it raining now darling?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like to tie my hair same two horn but my yougner sis said that i look like a silly girl when i tie it
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes it was raining
duyenduyen tieuthu: but now is stop
duyenduyen tieuthu: and i dont know when does it rain again
Andrew Ng: no. you dont look like a silly girl when you tie it. you look like a cowgirl (cowboy)
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i am
Andrew Ng: huh? cowgirl wear dark shades?
duyenduyen tieuthu: you know, everytime i tie my hair i dont know why but it always have one tail behind, look at cam
Andrew Ng: u know, i always love your smile. i will keep them in my pocket ok?
duyenduyen tieuthu: how can you keep them in your pocket??
Andrew Ng: maybe u use only one rubber band.
Andrew Ng: in my heart's pocket.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes in your heart
duyenduyen tieuthu: no today i have two rubber band
Andrew Ng: look at me again. Can i kiss you on cam?
Andrew Ng: u really look so sweet when u smile and... sexy too.
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: i cna see ur face turning red. u blushing baby?
duyenduyen tieuthu: nooooooooo
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know shy
Andrew Ng: u are really my vietnamese princess. thank you for loving me and giving me a chance to love and care for you.
Andrew Ng: see. u are shy. i cant see ur face.
duyenduyen tieuthu: you know, my rubber band has pink colour, my glasses is pink, my dress is pink, my my nail was painted pink too
duyenduyen tieuthu: dont say thank me for that
Andrew Ng: wow. u are a pink princess. u love pink color.
Andrew Ng: and ur cheeks are pink too.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like vilolet because it symbol for the loyal, but i dont wear it because it make me black
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like wear blue and pink and green and yellow too
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes my cheeck often have pink
Andrew Ng: i think blue makes you radiant.I think you look very beautiful in any color darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i look very beautiful in any color in your eyes becuase you love me
Andrew Ng: u also have very sweet lips. i really love to kiss them
Andrew Ng: of course darling. But its true. Your beauty is natural.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes, it's just sweet when i use lipstick, it's not natural
Andrew Ng: u see. u make my heart plop plop when you pout your lips. Oh my darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: i just cant wait for you to say yes to marry me.
duyenduyen tieuthu: so
duyenduyen tieuthu: waht can you do??
Andrew Ng: propose to you as soon as i see u and you marry me immediately.
Andrew Ng: please marry me my princess.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like to wear a white wedding dress with a tail too longggggggg
Andrew Ng: you shall. you casn find it in hcm city?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like wearing wedding dress very much
Andrew Ng: so you will wear for me?
duyenduyen tieuthu: oh
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: wear white color
duyenduyen tieuthu: violet color
duyenduyen tieuthu: blue color
duyenduyen tieuthu: uhm
Andrew Ng: i also like you to wear my wedding ring forever darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: green color
duyenduyen tieuthu: and
duyenduyen tieuthu: yellow color
duyenduyen tieuthu: and
duyenduyen tieuthu: pink color
duyenduyen tieuthu: ya
duyenduyen tieuthu: i will
Andrew Ng: but wedding gown is always white to show purity.
duyenduyen tieuthu: but i had one ring on ring-finger
Andrew Ng: but u shall wear other colors for celebrations. u remember?
Andrew Ng: u will have one wedding ring and one engagement ring on ring finger.
Andrew Ng: i know you will look like an angel in your wedding gown darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: we, vietnamese girl wear white color when we go to the church and wear a lot of color else for wedding party
Andrew Ng: yes. i understand.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: we will have wedding parties in all the countries i told you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: so, i have to wear twooo ring on ring-finger???
Andrew Ng: yes. will you be tired after all the celebrations?
duyenduyen tieuthu: vietnam, hongkong, thailand, singapore and australia
duyenduyen tieuthu: so
duyenduyen tieuthu: i will have to marry five times, right?
Andrew Ng: is it ok darling?
Andrew Ng: u must tell me ok? if you dont like.
duyenduyen tieuthu: it is ok
duyenduyen tieuthu: ok because i also like to wear wedding dress
duyenduyen tieuthu: but
duyenduyen tieuthu: i worry
duyenduyen tieuthu: because i dont know to speak english
Andrew Ng: i can tell you you will be very tired.after that we will go for honeymoon.
duyenduyen tieuthu: so i dont know what i say in the celebrations
Andrew Ng: dont worry. u dont have to be shy. we will learn together.
duyenduyen tieuthu: you mean
duyenduyen tieuthu: example
duyenduyen tieuthu: uhmm
duyenduyen tieuthu: sunday we marry in vietnam
duyenduyen tieuthu: monday in hongkong
duyenduyen tieuthu: tuesday in thailand
Andrew Ng: you will have no time to talk excpt to say thank you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: wednesday in singapore
Andrew Ng: to the friends and relatives.
duyenduyen tieuthu: thursday in australia???
duyenduyen tieuthu: right?
Andrew Ng: where would you like to go for honeymoon?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know
Andrew Ng: can u think?
duyenduyen tieuthu: everywhere as long as it is beautiful
Andrew Ng: where we can be together just the two of us?
duyenduyen tieuthu: in the moon
Andrew Ng: do you like europe or asia?
Andrew Ng: in the moon its too lonely.
duyenduyen tieuthu: india has pyramid
Andrew Ng: no. egypt has pyramids.India has Taj Mahal.
duyenduyen tieuthu: because you said that just have two of us
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: hum
duyenduyen tieuthu: dont laugh at me
duyenduyen tieuthu: humm
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: you hahaha
Andrew Ng: i am not laughing darling. its ok. u learn dont be shy.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know Taj Mahal
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihih
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know but i am shy
Andrew Ng: it is a palace built by an indian king many years ago in1541.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: dont be shy darling. u are with me. we will learn together.
duyenduyen tieuthu: but i dont know where i should come
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: i think we shud go somewher there is snow. in europe or korea or japan.
Andrew Ng: maybe, we shus go to switzerland.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yeah
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like korea
duyenduyen tieuthu: why do you want to go swizerland?
Andrew Ng: so we shall go to korea.
duyenduyen tieuthu: but
duyenduyen tieuthu: what beautiful in Korea ?
Andrew Ng: its nice.thay have nice food and chocolates and its nice weather.
Andrew Ng: many things beautiful in korea.the shopping, food and scenery
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like going shopping
duyenduyen tieuthu: i like scenery too
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont like to eat much
Andrew Ng: darling in five minutes i will go.tomorrow i will spend more time with you as it is saturdey.
duyenduyen tieuthu: becau i dont like big
duyenduyen tieuthu: rainny again here
Andrew Ng: no. you will not be big.
duyenduyen tieuthu: what time is it now there?
Andrew Ng: u take good care of yourself. ride motorcycle safely. eat your food. its almost seven am in the morning.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: you too
duyenduyen tieuthu: take care of yourself
duyenduyen tieuthu: bye bye
Andrew Ng: i love you darling. I will text you when bank gives me the MTCN for you to collect your money. tomorrow. dont be angry with me darling.
Andrew Ng: can we chat at 1.00p.m vienam time tomorrow?
Andrew Ng: u take care darling. i love you and i miss you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i am not angry with you because of that
duyenduyen tieuthu: i try to chat at 1:00pm here
Andrew Ng: shall we chat at 1.00p.m vioetnam time darling?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i will try to chat in that time
duyenduyen tieuthu: but
Andrew Ng: will you wait until rain stops when u go home. ride safely darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: to 3:00pm here we will stop chatting??
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know
Andrew Ng: no. we chat until 6.00p.m.
duyenduyen tieuthu: what?
duyenduyen tieuthu: so
duyenduyen tieuthu: 5hours we will chat?
Andrew Ng: will we?
duyenduyen tieuthu: ok, i will try to chat sooner but i dont know sure that i can or not, remember to wait for me tomorrow
Andrew Ng: u know i miss u so much. i just dont want to stop chatting with you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i miss you too
Andrew Ng: i will always wait for you darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: thanks
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: did your guests come there?
duyenduyen tieuthu: and now you have to go to meet with them?
Andrew Ng: also, tomorrow,my secretary will receive the MP4 and she will arrange to send to you when all items arrive.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes, thank you
Andrew Ng: not yet darling. I will chat another hour with you.
Andrew Ng: I dont want to shower. Let them smell me. I want to talk to you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: use perfume when you meet with them
Andrew Ng: can you smell me? i did not shower since i came yesterday. Am i smelly?
duyenduyen tieuthu: what?
duyenduyen tieuthu: my god
duyenduyen tieuthu: i cant live without bathing
Andrew Ng: put perfume and i will smell like a skunk.
Andrew Ng: so can you live with me next time?
duyenduyen tieuthu: you know, when i got sick my grandmom and my parents dont permis me to bath
duyenduyen tieuthu: and
Andrew Ng: sometimes i am so lazy to shower.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i lie in wait for my parents dont stay at home and i went sneaky to bath
Andrew Ng: huh? u do that? its no good when sick to shower.
Andrew Ng: will u hug me if i dont shower.
duyenduyen tieuthu: put perfume you will be scented
duyenduyen tieuthu: but i will die if i dont shower, dear
Andrew Ng: believe me darling, when u are smelly and you put perfume, u smell like a stink bomg.
Andrew Ng: bomb.darling, when sick please dont bathe.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i know i will got serious illness but it is better than i ide
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
Andrew Ng: becos you might get pneumonia.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: but
duyenduyen tieuthu: i hate and i cant stand if i dont shower
Andrew Ng: darling look at me againand smile. wish i can kiss u now. you are so sweet.
duyenduyen tieuthu: it is terrible
duyenduyen tieuthu: if i dont bath, dear
Andrew Ng: your eyes. you look like Mona Lisa'a eyes
duyenduyen tieuthu: unless my perants keep watch
duyenduyen tieuthu: who is Mona Lisa?
Andrew Ng: so next time i will ask bodyguards to keep watch. hahahah
duyenduyen tieuthu: what??
duyenduyen tieuthu: hahhaa
duyenduyen tieuthu: so
duyenduyen tieuthu: if
duyenduyen tieuthu: if they keep watch me
duyenduyen tieuthu: i will try to bath
Andrew Ng: the beautiful lady whose famous lips and eyes attract the world.
Andrew Ng: huh? you going to try and bathe when they are looking at you?
duyenduyen tieuthu: they won't stand when they see a beautiful girl bath
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: oh, so i didn't know about her
duyenduyen tieuthu: because i dont read magazines
Andrew Ng: I dont know what will happen. but i know they will be hypnotised.
Andrew Ng: And then they cant work anymore.
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: seem you are very jolly
Andrew Ng: I will remember to make many doors toyour bathroom. so they cannot see
duyenduyen tieuthu: and i am sorry because until now i just know
Andrew Ng: I am jolly cos you are with me.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: before i thought that you are so strict
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know about you much
duyenduyen tieuthu: you are so strict, serious,,,,and so on?
Andrew Ng: no. darling. I am only serious when i am working and doing business. when I am with you i am always happy and smiling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: or you are jolly
duyenduyen tieuthu: i cant see you smiling
Andrew Ng: becos u bring happiness into my life darling.
Andrew Ng: you can feel it your heart.
duyenduyen tieuthu: are you jolly to everybody or serious??
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: smiling of elvis preley, right
Andrew Ng: even to my staff. when we are not working i am jolly.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: u know elvis presley has the sexiest smile
duyenduyen tieuthu: uhmm, you should know, sometimes i do any silly things
duyenduyen tieuthu: really??
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: its all right. we do silly things sometimes. I do too.
duyenduyen tieuthu: sometimes i am not same a lady
duyenduyen tieuthu: i am same a babe more
Andrew Ng: its ok. sometimes i am also like a i need to buy baby milk bottles and powder at home?
duyenduyen tieuthu: if you bring me to go with your coworker you will get shy because of me
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont like to drink milk much, i like to drink organe ( Tang)
Andrew Ng: no darling. u are wrong. I will and always will be proud to be with you and be your husband.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
duyenduyen tieuthu: thank you
Andrew Ng: shall we make orange and keep in milk bottles for you?
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: you mean
duyenduyen tieuthu: orange with milk??
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont like milk much
duyenduyen tieuthu: milk makes me biggggg
Andrew Ng: so when you are a babe i will give you tang orange in milk bottle to drink.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont want same a pig,dear
duyenduyen tieuthu: hhihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: really
Andrew Ng: no. you will not be a pig. u will only look like one when you are pregnant.
duyenduyen tieuthu: milk bottle, you mean it is bottle which babe use,right??
duyenduyen tieuthu: hummm
Andrew Ng: but you will be the most beautiful mother pig.
duyenduyen tieuthu: dont say pregnant
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: right. why? are u scared?
duyenduyen tieuthu: shy
duyenduyen tieuthu: be shy
duyenduyen tieuthu: and scare a little
Andrew Ng: dont be shy only you and i are talking. and dont be scared for i will be with you when u give birth.
Andrew Ng: do you know husband can be with wife when she gives birth now.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: but in vietnam maybe not
Andrew Ng: we will try to be in my country cos i want to have the best medical care for you and our baby. darling.
Andrew Ng: are u looking worried darling?
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: why talk about baby
duyenduyen tieuthu: we even haven't got married yet
Andrew Ng: why? dont worry. ok we stop talking about it.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: but bf and gf must talk so they can plan.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: i know
duyenduyen tieuthu: but
Andrew Ng: darling, in 30 minutes, i will say goodby to you until tomorrow at 1.00p.m.
Andrew Ng: why?
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: but i scare
Andrew Ng: u take good care of yourself darling. I am going to miss you tonight
duyenduyen tieuthu: me too
Andrew Ng: dont be scared. darling. to be pregnant and have a baby is the most beautiful thing in marriage.
duyenduyen tieuthu: so, now you have to shower or still chat?
Andrew Ng: smile darling. I love you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: ya
Andrew Ng: still chat. never mind let them smell me
duyenduyen tieuthu: ya
duyenduyen tieuthu: uhm
Andrew Ng: is it still raining darling?
duyenduyen tieuthu: are you Andrew Sengky Ng???
duyenduyen tieuthu: maybe not
duyenduyen tieuthu: but i see some body still wear raincoat
Andrew Ng: Yes. I am Andrew Seng Kay Ng. My Passport no is S1023791B. Remember it the bank girl might ask you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: they wont ask me about your passport
Andrew Ng: ok. i will keep sending you money for you to use darling. I want to care for you as though you are already my wife.
Andrew Ng: I hope you will not get angry with me darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: but if i dont have no. which when yuo send money they gave to you, maybe i cant get money
duyenduyen tieuthu: ok ok, anyway, i will try no angry with you
Andrew Ng: they will send no. to you tomorrow morning to Diems cell phone or I will ask them to give and i will call you if Diem is in HCM city
Andrew Ng: I have done anything wrong or hurt you,p-lease forgive me. But I will not do anything to hurt you darling. I promise.
duyenduyen tieuthu: Diem will stay at there until next sunday orsaturday
Andrew Ng: is she staying with sister.
duyenduyen tieuthu: thank you
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
Andrew Ng: ok. I will call u tomorrow morning your time in your house.
duyenduyen tieuthu: ok
duyenduyen tieuthu: uhmm
Andrew Ng: u look so tired darling. ride safely and go home and rest ok. i miss u so much. I dont want to lose u darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: how can you lose me if i dont leave you?
duyenduyen tieuthu: i cant die because of no riding carefully
Andrew Ng: thank you. so please take good care of yourself for me sarling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: YES SIR
Andrew Ng: dont say that. you may get hurt.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know
Andrew Ng: try and find out about driving car. how much license. Its better.
duyenduyen tieuthu: everytime i see a traffic accident, i throw away all thing in my hand and run
duyenduyen tieuthu: i scare very much if i see a traffic accident
Andrew Ng: u see. and u ride expensive is it to learn to drive car and buy car.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i think if i see someone blood i will faint
duyenduyen tieuthu: i dont know
duyenduyen tieuthu: about
Andrew Ng: so dont see. can u take bus to city.
Andrew Ng: can u ask?
duyenduyen tieuthu: any thousand american dollars
Andrew Ng: how many thousand.I think you mean more to me thatn the thousands of amrican dollars.
Andrew Ng: than
duyenduyen tieuthu: huh?
duyenduyen tieuthu: what do u mean?
Andrew Ng: i mean even if the car is thousand of american dollars. i say you are more precious to me than the tousands of american dollars.
duyenduyen tieuthu: oh, now i understood
duyenduyen tieuthu: happy
Andrew Ng: so will u help me to find out and stop riding scooter or motorcycle.
duyenduyen tieuthu: when you come here we will do that
Andrew Ng: everytime i think of you riding motorcycl I get scared and worried.
duyenduyen tieuthu: dont worry
Andrew Ng: yes.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i am a great racer
Andrew Ng: so u promise you will stop riding motorcycle.
Andrew Ng: dont do that darling. u make me more worried.
duyenduyen tieuthu: hihihi
duyenduyen tieuthu: dont worry
duyenduyen tieuthu: i am good
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: please darling. I know you are good. But the other driver may not be as good as you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know
Andrew Ng: so will you do it and ride safely please.I will die if i lose you or you leave me.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes i know
duyenduyen tieuthu: i will remember, dear
Andrew Ng: darling, got to go in a wile. take care. good morning/night to you. i love you.
duyenduyen tieuthu: i love you
duyenduyen tieuthu: take care dear
Andrew Ng: see u tomorrow at 1.00p.m vietnam time.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes
duyenduyen tieuthu: see you later
Andrew Ng: take care darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: yes sir
duyenduyen tieuthu: you too
Andrew Ng: smile for me darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: bye bye
Andrew Ng: kisses.
duyenduyen tieuthu: have a good day
Andrew Ng: thank you honey. i will be happy now you are with me.
duyenduyen tieuthu:
Andrew Ng: bye bye darling.
duyenduyen tieuthu: bye bye dear

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what's known as a "back atcha" O'Relly.


11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media Matters is a "media watchdog group". Puhlease. By the way, where is the draft?

1:46 PM  
Blogger Planet Patriot said...

O'Reilly is under the evil influence of none other than the notorious:

JOE BUSH a.k.a. The Monstrous Morph

-click on the link to see the evidence. . .

Warn Everyone!

(This message not endorsed by Joe Lieberman, George W. Bush, the Republican Party, their supporters or donors. Any similarity to persons living or dead is entirely intentional.)

Blog On

5:22 PM  
Blogger Crashpanic said...

"studies have shown that viewers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show with John Stewart are consistently better informed about current events than consumers of other media, and Daily Show viewers are significantly better educated than viewers of The O'Reilly Factor. Further, consumers of Fox News in general have been found to be significantly more misinformed about current events than consumers of other mainstream media."

Care to back those statements up with some facts or citations?

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that O'Reilly would realize that people in general, much less teens, are not going to listen to his opinion anymore. Not that he is not smart and posibly knows more about it than 95% of the poopulation, but he should stop making oppinions for teens turn away from them just because he said them.

9:23 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

oh, so this is a liberal activist website... i thought it was just to get kids to vote... looks liek there's a social agenda behind it... well kudos to you, you tricked me into signing your mailing list... i'll bet you feel really good about that.

2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another unlearned, unintelligent liberal at it again...

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering, how do you call Rock the Vote non-partisan and still sleep at night?

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Partisan much?

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Daily Show is funny ,but John Stewart is not. I love to watch him act like a lovesick school kid when someone like Al Gore or John Kerry come on his show. Stewart is just a no talent bum who got lucky enough to get on a good show with good writers. If it wasn't for his writers he'd still be begging Adam Sandler for a job.

5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Jody Baumgartner and Jonathan S Morris of East Carolina University (May 2006, American Politics Research vol 34, num. 3), "Our findings indicate that "'The Daily Show"' may have more detrimental effects, driving down support for political institutions and leaders among those alreasy inclinded toward nonparticipation" (abstract).

As an informed and personally motivated 22 year old voter, I find the Daily Show and the Colbert Report very funny, and I recognize the as a fake news show, which they clearly describe themselves as. However, most 18-25 year olds are not politcially active and are not fully aware of the falsity of the programs. As the quote above states, the program of detrimental to the political knowledge of non-voting youth.

In conclusion, I enjoy the Daily Shows right to free speech, but Bill O'Reilly is right. We should encourage youth to become active critics of our media, especially, news programs that appear after puppets making fart jokes and crank phone calls.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you William H. Depperman, Coordinator... that was such a long post, I didn't even take the time to read it. Obviously, you have lot of time on your hands clearly your thoughts for Coordinating A United Front Against Racism and Capitalism-Imperialism is whittling away your days posting non-sense on Kudos, it's good to know the world is still safe from your "united front".

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does everyne got there panties all up in a wad for? Hell I personally think we otta drop a couple hundred megaton glass maker on'em and be done with it.

Now I know all you greasey little so call peace people will come back at me with some smart ass comment, but thats ok. Deep down inside you know I'm right.

As far as who has the higher IQ because of what they watch. Whoopy S%@T. Who really cares. I know dumdasses all over the place and thats all they do is watch TV.

Hell, just read what that dumb turd who posted all his little conspiratorial crap on Iraq wrote. He probably watches 10 hours a day.

2:39 AM  
Blogger reidwalldrippy said...

I'm a YOUNG AMERICAN,from the BIG BOOM BOOM generation(is the one just behind the fridge,DAVE,that remembers its PREZ NIXON,blushing at the AFROSCHEENERS making me breakdown and CRY,(or is it Martin Scheeners,woo anyways...)And isn't it JUNG,C.S.,or is it J.R.,as in EWING as in DALLASDYNASTYDUBYA--GITT IT?I don't even know who O'Reilly is,of how uminformed I am,except where it counts.Are the KIDS ALLRIGHT,DAVE?I didn't stand if the RAIN FOR THREE DAYS IN 1969 for nothing! VOTE DEMocrat. THANX,NAMERICA!

3:22 PM  
Blogger reidwalldrippy said...

I'm a YOUNG AMERICAN,from the BIG BOOM BOOM generation(is the one just behind the fridge,DAVE,that remembers its PREZ NIXON,blushing at the AFROSCHEENERS making me breakdown and CRY,(or is it Martin Scheeners,woo anyways...)And isn't it JUNG,C.S.,or is it J.R.,as in EWING as in DALLASDYNASTYDUBYA--GITT IT?I don't even know who O'Reilly is,of how uminformed I am,except where it counts.Are the KIDS ALLRIGHT,DAVE?I didn't stand if the RAIN FOR THREE DAYS IN 1969 for nothing! VOTE DEMocrat. THANX,NAMERICA!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Cu'cullen said...

Shawn and Sarah (at the top) hit the nail on the head Hans - hope it didn't hurt to much. John Stewart doesn't care to much either I'm sure - It's his $$ schtik $$, you know, the capitalist dance on the way to the bank as reward for the right niche!

9:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I cannot believe someone would take the Daily Show seriously.. much less someone, who would, be able to produce a nice blog!!!

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For All of You: Some BS it like Stewart, Most like O'Reilly, Some like both, (system of 'checks & balances) I Trust Stewart's BS. If you got it, Sling it, Who's time are you wasting?

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget Both of em! Rush Baby!

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the notion of uninformed youth so completely trampled in comments.

Oh, wait.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I watched that episode and he did mention that very few in the age range read the newspaper or watch the news.

He was not specific to his own show as the source of the news.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans failed to point out that his source of information ("Media Matters") is a liberal "conservative watchdog"
group. I'm sure that they are totally unbiased in their assertions...

In other words, according to a liberal organization who hates Fox News, some study that is not identified and may not exist except in the authors mind shows that viewers of a comedy show are more informed than viewers of Fox News...must be some good stuff in your pipe...follow that bong hit with some more Kool Aid...

Tampa, FL

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if Fox News isn't a joke--it's the butt of every joke which says something about the level of respect it gets. Bill O'Reilly is C-R-A-Z-Y. Did you see him on the Today show? Yikes. It's like where media personalities go to die. They freak out on Matt Lauer and all of sudden blind Americans realize, "This guy is nuts!" It was the nail in the coffin for Tom Cruise and like the 130th nail in the coffin for Crazy O.

10:10 AM  

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