Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Facebook and Rock the Vote launch voter campaign!

Today, Rock the Vote launched a new campaign to register and engage young voters on Facebook. We're pretty excited about it!

We met with Facebook a little more than a week ago to develop ideas. The team there is very enthusiastic about using Facebook to give young people the tools they need to be active in the political process. A series of conversations and some serious hard work by both teams resulted in what you see today at Facebook's website.

What is it? Well, basically, its a cutting-edge voter registration drive, to be followed by an equally innovative turnout drive. Rock the Vote is organizing it and Facebook is helping to promote it. We're doing this as part of a nationwide campaign to register voters for 2006 funded by Young Voter Strategies.

The first goal of our campaign is voter registration. Deadlines are coming up and we don't want anyone to be shut out!

[We think advance voter registration deadlines are an absolute fraud, by the way--people should be able to register on Election Day if they miss the advance deadline.]

Facebook users who are not registered to vote will be able to click on the REGISTER TO VOTE button on our group site. That takes them to our online registration tool, where all they have to do is fill out their registration form, print it up, sign it and mail it in before the deadline.

More importantly, Facebook users can invite their friends to the RTV group in order to register to vote. What is going to make this effort take off is peer-to-peer interactions that get the group showing up in Facebook's news feed.

We're also looking for student groups (high school and college) to get rolling in their local networks by promoting the online tools. There's lots to come---particularly once we shift to voter turnout. Check out the tool kit for how you can get more involved.

And let us know on the discussion board there how we can use these tools to get people involved. Peer-to-peer is the most powerful force in politics---let's see what we can do with it on Facebook!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason that you should nt be able to register on election day it to reduce the possibility of registering under multiple identities and commiting voter fraud.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

The attitude that people can register the day of the election ignores the real possibility of voter fraud. Tell me how you prevent one person from voting in 12 different precincts if there is no reliable means to prove the legal address/identity of the voter?

Are you also against photo ids of voters?

Why is it I am compelled to prove my identity when I do something as innocent as open a Holiday Account at a bank, but (in your view) not when I wish to do something as important as voting?

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best site

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best site

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are unbelievable. Look at the county in Texas that opted out of social insecurity they kept the same guide lines but invested privately and have four times at the least in returns on their retirement. What does that mean in government school english.....they get more money every month!!!!!!! Social Insecurity Sucks.........Go ahead and try to find out what your social insecurity acount has in it. YOU CANNOT, THERE ARE NO ACCOUNTS IT IS ALL GENERAL FUND CRAP>

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preventing voter fraud during registration on election day is a technical issue. If there are no live databases that can be used to immediately confirm voter status, then, sure voter fraud would be a problem. We don't have such a system up now but there should be such a system. There are many models for such an identity confirmation and system. The dialog on how to accomplish this task is needed. If someone is compelled to vote, we should make voting as easy and as secure as possible.

9:34 PM  
Blogger ucys said...


1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hppy site

3:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's one great reason to ROCK THE VOTE !

3:16 PM  

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