Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ohio Unveils the "Ultimate Civics Lesson"

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner of Ohio has developed "the ultimate civics lesson" where high school graduates will receive more than their diploma on graduation day. In a mission to increase youth voting, students will recieve packets that include voter registration forms as well as information about how to cast an absentee ballot and become a poll worker. While the program will run in only five counties this spring, the initiative signals the beginning of a more widespread effort that Brunner plans to take state-wide by the 2008 presidential election if initial tests prove successful.

Nationally close to 60% of 18-29 year olds were registered to vote in 2004, while over 80% of these registered young voters voted. Though Brunner claims she'd be content with even a 10% increase in young registered voters in Ohio, she says she'd "be happier with 25%."

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