Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Driving Teens to the Polls

Florida’s Governor Charlie Crist just signed a measure that will drop the state’s voter pre-registration age from 17 to 16 years old to coincide with the state’s driver’s license age. Supporters of the measure hope the convenience of registering to vote while getting a drivers license will ultimately result in greater youth turnout in upcoming elections. The new drivers who register will be sent a voter identification card on their 18th birthday in an effort to further simplify the process.

Though still unable to vote, the teens also can now work as poll workers prior to turning 18.

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Blogger francisco said...

When does the bill go into affect here in Florida?

12:49 PM  
Blogger Will C. said...

Governor Crist signed the bill earlier this year. It's now left up to the counties to implement the changes...Just found out Illinois, Rhode Island, California and Hawaii are either in the process of passing or have passed similar legislation.

2:00 PM  

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