Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Environmental Action: Happening In Locations Near You

A new report by the New Politics Institute on the politics of the Millennial Generation speculated that the generation "is poised to dramatically alter the 21st century cultural and political landscape." The report also suggests that the Millennial Generation is in favor of environmental action. Environmental protection is widely considered to be a "youth issue," a conception supported by the report's polls which show that 51% of 18-22 year olds are "strongly concerned" with environmental issues--a higher proportion than any other generational grouping. What are American youth doing about this issue this summer?

-This concern of the country's young people about global warming has been "fueled" into the Campus Climate Challenge, which provides support for high school and college students striving to curb global warming, reduce pollution from their campuses, and lobby for a clean energy future. The Challenge already has 37 partner organizations and over 500 local chapters across the United States and Canada. And despite the fact that it's summer, many of the groups are remaining active.
-Two marches for climate action, led by youth activists, will be occurring in Iowa and New Hampshire this summer from August 1-5. Find out more information and check out the team's progress here.
-What's Your Plan?, a new project of the student PIRGS, is sending a team of students to question all of the 2008 presidential candidates on their plan for various youth issues, including global warming, demanding substantial answers rather than just empty rhetoric. What's Your Plan? events will be happening at campaign events across the country.

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