Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Big Apple's Students Will Be Registering to Vote

In a massive effort prior to UltraSuperDuper Tuesday (or February 5, 2008, where over 20 states have their presidential primaries or caucuses), the City University of New York (CUNY) is partnering with several nonpartisan groups around the Big Apple to register thousands of students to vote. CUNY is also distributing colorful posters and brochures that tell students the importance of next year's primaries and general election. Neal Rosenstein, an election specialist for New York Public Interest Research Group, noted that each semester hundreds of CUNY students volunteer to register other students and encourage them to understand the important issues of the day. However, a whole force of organizations is needed for a full-fledged voter registration drive at the university, which spans 23 campuses and has almost 500,000 students.

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