Monday, July 16, 2007

Democrats Divide on the Economy

The New York Times published an article today that investigates the drift towards economic populism within the Democratic Party. Though Democrats often have progressive economic visions, such as higher minimum wages and the protection of American jobs, concern over current economic conditions are reinvigorating discussions over taxes, education, energy, and health care. Democratic leaders have begun discussion on government policy over globalization, outsourcing, the economic security of middle-class America, as well as raising taxes on financial firms, a bit of a departure from Bill Clinton's pro-trade and pro-Wall Street economic policies. Young people particularly will be affected by these Democrats' platforms of expanded health care, increased assistance for those in college, and help for workers who lose their jobs to cheaper labor abroad. Republicans charge that their visions will hinder economic growth in addition to being prohibitively expensive. Read the whole article here.

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