Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Early Word: Big Turnout in New Hampshire

The press is reporting huge turnout at polling places across New Hampshire, and Rock the Vote volunteers are saying the same for young people and campus precincts. Crowds are big and energy is high at the Dartmouth College precinct in Hanover - check out the pics below.

Quote from a veteran poll worker registering new voters: "We're gonna run out of forms. Today has been amazing."

To all New Hampshire voters - if you haven't voted yet, make sure to get to the polls! Find answers to your questions here.


Blogger Unknown said...

The pressure is reporting huge turnout at acquiring places across New County, and Rock the Vote volunteers are saying the same for young citizen and campus precincts. Crowds are bigger and energy is high at the Dartmouth College precinct in Hanover. Crowds are big and vitality is high at the Dartmouth College precinct in Hanoverian
Addiction Recovery New Hampshire

2:37 AM  

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