Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pick the Prez on Tuesday

You did it again.

Not only did young voters surge to the polls in record numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire, you did it again in South Carolina and in Florida yesterday. Check out how many more of you voted than in the 2004 primaries (thanks to CIRCLE for calculating the vote totals):

Iowa: Turnout up 315% to 65,230 votes
New Hampshire: Turnout up 274% to 84,232
South Carolina: Turnout up 145% to 118,565*
Florida: Turnout up 355% to 285,970

I've said it before - there's something big happening here. We - America's young voters - are taking this election into our own hands and making everyone sit up and take notice.

Next Tuesday let's keep it up: on February 5th, 22 states go to the polls for presidential primaries. This week, Rock the Vote is launching our "Pledge to Pick the Prez," a campaign to harness the momentum of this election to mobilize young voters to the polls on the 5th and throughout the 2008 election cycle.

The pledge states:
I pledge to vote. I've had enough of politicians making decisions about our lives without our input - this year, we're picking the president.
Take the pledge, get all your friends to take the pledge, and make sure to get to the polls on Tuesday. You're picking the president this year - let's make sure they know it.

*There was no Republican primary in SC in 2004, so we added the Republican 2000 turnout to Democratic 2004 turnout for a comparison to 2008 turnout of both parties.

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Blogger michelle said...

Normally, I am all about voting, but being a democrat from Michigan, I do not get a voice in picking which democratic candidate I want this election. All my life I have heard how important it is to vote, but how am I supposed to feel when I the democrats don't even send delegates to Michigan. They are turning the election into a joke and have turned voters away from the booths this year.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Sponges MaGee said...

This is to Michelle.. I know that it might seem like it doesn't matter cause you don't have delegates. However, I might say that in a lot of ways it doesn't matter if you have delegates. It doesn't matter because if you, and all your friends, vote you're expressing yourself in the overall popular vote. That's tight. Voting needs to become an avenue for youth and as it does we'll take back what is rightfully ours - the future.

Sponges Magee

9:11 AM  

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