Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Young Voter Turnout Surges in N.H.!

The races aren't called yet, but the exit polls are out - and young voters have surged to the polls in New Hampshire!

According to CNN's exit polling:
  • On the Democratic side, 18-29 year olds made up 18% of today's vote, up from 14% in 2004.
  • On the Republican side, 18-29 year olds made up 14% of today's vote (there are no 2004 Republican exit polls for comparison).
In fact, 18-29 year old voters made up a larger share (18%) of today’s Democratic primary vote than either 30-39 year olds (15%) or 65 and over voters (13%) did.

Given these numbers and word from election officials that turnout is "absolutely huge" statewide, it's clear that young voter turnout is up significantly today!

Stay tuned - more results to come soon.


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