Monday, March 31, 2008

I Vote Because...

We taped PSAs all day long with some of our favorite indie, pop, rock and hip-hop bands when we were at South by Southwest last month. 2 Live Crew, Hanson, Joshua James and many others showed us some love. Check it out, then post comments about why you vote!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just for PA

We have two great new PSA's for Pennsylvania. Check them out:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Should They or Shouldn't They?

Senate Bill 436 is currently being reviewed by Congress. If it’s passed, 17-year-olds across the country will be eligible to vote in local, state and Presidential primaries as long as their 18 by Election Day. At Rock the Vote, we know the sooner young folks become involved in making decisions that shape our country, the more likely we will continue to exercise our voting right. In fact, 11 states allow 17-year-olds to vote; and participation by young voters between 18-24 in those states exceed the national average. If the steady rise in young voter turnout we’ve witnessed since ’04 is any indication of our increased interest in politics, let’s hope Congress is wise and passes a bill that will continue to empower, engage and encourage the next generation to be involved and believe in our Country’s political process and system.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day 2 @ South by Southwest

N.E.R.D stopped by to film a PSA with us before performing at the Cornerstone/Fader Lounge.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rocking it at SXSW

We're kicking the week off at South by Southwest in Austin! Check us out at the Levi's/Fader Lounge where artists are stopping by sharing their views about voting and taping videos for us encouraging young people to make their voice heard!

Check back for more pictures and updates this week!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Double Trouble

For the past couple months, I've posted updates on young voters' primary and caucus turnout and the amazing year we're having.

This morning, I decided to take a look at the big picture. And it turns out that picture is pretty awesome.

So far in 2008, more than twice as many 18-29 year olds have voted in the presidential primaries than did in 2004 or 2000. More than DOUBLE.

To be exact, more than 5.7 million voters under 30 have hit the polls in 2008 - a 2.2 million voter increase, or 109%, over the last primaries. (Want more? Check out our factsheet)

AND - turnout's gone up in every primary and caucus so far - from coast to coast.

AND - turnout's up among all age groups, but it's up far more among young voters. We're leading the charge.

Damn. Watch out. This is going to be quite a year.

For more info, check out our factsheet or the chart below:

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Rocking Larry King Live

Rock the Vote supporters Josh Groban and Wyclef Jean joined Larry King Live last night to discuss the incredible momentum young people are having in this election! Check it out:

Monday, March 03, 2008


Rock the Vote Blog