Monday, April 14, 2008

Against Me! Rocks the Vote

We teamed up with the Florida punk band Against Me! to create a dynamic, brand-new public service announcement campaign (PSA) designed to tap into the mounting excitement that young people have shown for this year’s presidential candidates and the 2008 election.

Broadcast and video versions of the PSA hit airwaves today and encourage young people, who are already turning out to the polls in record numbers, to register to vote and cast their ballots in November’s important election.

The PSA features footage of Against Me! performing “Stop!” — the new single from their current Sire Records’ album New Wave. Directed by Directed by Mark Klasfeld (Foo Fighters, Gnarls Barkley, Jay-Z), it is centered on a red draped polling booth surrounded and inspired by a set of issues that come alive—everything from pro-choice/pro life protestors defending their position to a solider peaking through the curtain. The voting booth is a metaphor for all of the issues that are important to individuals that could be changed by voting; everything from heath care to the environment. These issues intermix with the band’s performance to a point where the voting booth sparks and explodes symbolizing the urgency and nature of this Presidential election.

Check out the article in USA Today!


Blogger Unknown said...

Since when do people who claim to be anarchists urge kids to vote?

11:34 PM  
Blogger marcus russell price said...

man i was wondering the same thing.

11:50 PM  

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