Thursday, April 24, 2008

Nutmeg State Moves Toward 17 Year Old Primary Vote

Good news! Two days ago, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed a bill to allow 17 year olds to vote in primary elections if they'll be 18 by the time of the general election.

The overwhelming bipartisan support in the House (vote count was 135-12) is a good sign for down the road, when the bill heads to the state Senate and eventually to the statewide ballot in 2010.

Nine other states already allow 17 year olds to vote in primaries if they'll be 18 by the time of the general election: Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. Others - most recently New Hampshire - are working to make that happen.



Blogger Stephanie said...

Mindset Media released a Mindset Profile of prospective presidential voters, which the company generated from a recent study using Nielsen’s Online panel.

It states that the personalities of independents will determine what they will vote:

“Do independent voters’ personalities determine how they will vote for president? It does according to Mindset Media. Its survey of several thousand Americans revealed that self-proclaimed independents who planned to vote Democratic in November had a distinctly different Mindset Profile than those who planned to vote Republican.

Creative types (Creativity 5’s in Mindset Media parlance) who are not currently affiliated with a party, are 60 percent more likely to plan to vote Democratic in the upcoming elections as are those who lack Bravado and are not Dogmatic. Not surprisingly, independents who are very Dogmatic (Dogmatic 5’s) are 150 percent more likely to vote Republican. But perhaps concerning to Obama’s camp is that independents who are very Optimistic (Optimistic 5’s) are 36 percent more likely to vote Republican. Mindset Media defines Creativity 5’s as those who are inventive and imaginative. They consider what could be and are less confined by the realities of here and now. They are both emotionally sensitive and intellectually curious. People on the poles of the Dogmatism, Dogmatism 1’s and 5’s, are socially liberal and traditional, respectively. Optimism 5’s see the glass as half-full.”

Maybe the independents will determine the campaign this year….

1:18 PM  

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