Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Letter From Heather

Hi there.

This is my first time writing for the RTV blog. There is a lot I want to say, so picking one thing to focus on is hard and a lot of pressure. I guess I will start with my day today. I just got back from taping a segment for the Newshour (on PBS). First of all, they film in HD, so they put fancy makeup on you before you go on air. And by fancy I mean, they AIRBRUSHED my face. That could have been the highlight, but the segment made the makeup room experience look dull. On the show, I did a discussion with a set of young people, each supporting a different candidate, moderated by Judy Woodruff. It was amazing. I do a lot of talking on television these days and I always say that young people are engaged, concerned for their future, and organizing like hell right now--building a real movement that is going to change how politics run, our democracy, and the direction of our country.

Today, as I sat there, I didn't need to say a word. These amazing, smart and talented young people said exactly what they were thinking, feeling, and seeing, and it proved my point better than I ever could. I left really proud of our generation and even more convinced that we will make change happen, regardless of what barriers they throw in our way. Check out the show on Monday if you can.

I also left reminded that we are all so inspired to take action by voting this cycle because things are truly screwed up. Yet, there are so many things that I believe we can change, if we act collectively. The primary one is our democracy. The concept of a government of and for the people is lost when the people have no say. Right now so many special interests with huge pockets books control not only who gets elected (as it takes money to win), but also what policies get passed. As the great organizer Saul Alinski said, there are two sources of power in our country, money and people. We might not have the money of the special interests, but we sure as hell have the people. There are 45 million 18-29 year olds. There are millions more who believe as we do. MY theory is that there are two sources of power in this country, money and people THAT VOTE.

Decision makers are elected and ultimately accountable to those two things. This year, as people with votes, we need to elect the next president. If that doesn't work, then we do as our constitution instructed and take to the streets. But first, lets realize our power as voters. I love the fact that, regardless of age or class or race or wealth, we all have one vote. We are all equal in the voting booth. This is our time to take our country into our own hands, and be the ones in power. We are off to a great start. With turnout amongst 18-29 year olds hitting record rates and outnumbering older voters in many states. Keep it up, tell your friends, build this movement, our movement, and I promise to amplify your voice as a collective generation through my media appearance and here in DC.

OK, more to come, but I will end my first blog post here. Register at our website ( now if you haven't or you have moved recently, and get ready to rock the vote.


Heather Smith, Executive Director
Rock the Vote


Blogger A said...

I saw you on PBS and came here. I have been thinking about electoral strategy for years and what Rock the Vote needs to understand is that you MUST start on the local level and NOT with the presidency! Youth, or any group, cannot take over the county until after they have won control of a town where they are most concentrated, in your case these are small towns with large colleges like Amherst Massachusetts and Berkeley California. You must also be mobile enough for political migration, which youth are because you are the most mobile of voters. However ZONING in towns like Amherst MA make the housing very expensive and so young voters have difficulty moving in to build a municipal majority and fund municipal contraception.

3:02 PM  

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