Monday, May 19, 2008


Voting rights activists should be celebrating last week's victory in Missouri. From Missourians for Fair Elections:
In a victory for all voters, Missouri lawmakers ended this year’s legislative session without a final vote on legislation that could have prevented up to 240,000 Missourians from voting. The proposed change would have altered Missouri’s constitution, allowing for strict citizenship and government-issued photo ID requirements that would make Missouri one of the toughest states in the country for eligible, law-abiding citizens to register to vote or cast a ballot.
This phenomenal group of activists made over 4,200 phone calls to state legislators, asking them to protect the rights of 240,000 Missouri voters who would have been disenfranchised by this new law.

This is the kind of action we all need to be taking this year. As we work to register two million young voters, we need to make sure all our votes will count this November. Thanks to Missourians for Fair Elections for leading the way.


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