Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Young Voters are the New Pink

Or the new orange? The new indigo?

I can't keep track, but either way, point is that the youth vote's hot this year. Presidential candidates can't seem to get enough of us:
  • Barack Obama has made youth vote outreach an integral part of his campaign, beginning in Iowa and on down to Indiana. From the early days of Students for Barack Obama and the "million-strong" Facebook group, to recent efforts in IN and NC and the launch of Vote for Change, the Obama campaign has embraced the youth vote in 2008.
This is new - and awesome. I've never seen presidential campaigns not only TALK about the youth vote, but actually put time and energy into getting out to our campuses and communities.

And you know why they're doing it - it's because you're voting, you're taking action, and you're building power for the Millennial Generation. You voted in big numbers in 2004, big numbers again in 2006 - and then you blew it all out of the water with double and triple turnout in the 2008 primaries!

Let's keep it up this November. Make sure you're registered to vote, make sure all your friends are registered to vote, too, and get involved - join a Rock the Vote Street Team or volunteer, and be a part of the Year of the Young Voter.

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