Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Rocking the Hoosier-Heel Primary

Nice - all you out there in Indiana and North Carolina rocked the primaries again yesterday, making up significant portions of the electorate in both states.

Young voters' continued surge at the polls even impressed the most skeptical political reporters - for example, in today's Washington Post column "The Hoosier-Heel Primary: Winners and Losers," young voters are listed as one of yesterday's big winners:
Young Voters: No age group has been more ridiculed for their lack of participation than those under 30. But in Indiana that age group comprised 16* percent of the overall vote while those 65 or older comprised 15 percent...
You're making our generation a huge story this election year. From Monday's USA Today cover story "Young Voters Poised to Flex Electoral Muscle" to an article entitled "Young Voters Hold the Key" in the Nation today, we're making our mark on the 2008 elections.

West Virginia, Oregon and Kentucky - you're next!

*Updated to 17% last night. w00t!

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