Friday, May 30, 2008

Would you like popcorn with your voter registration?

Hi there -

I just got an email from our friends at, a great organization (run by former Rock the Vote Street Team Leader Maya Enista!) dedicated to educating, empowering, and energizing young people, and wanted to pass it along. You can get more info here; here's the email:
Jennifer Aniston asked in a TV ad: "Would you let someone else choose your clothes? Your friends? Okay. What about your husband? No? Then why would you let someone else choose your president?" Jennifer Aniston is right.

According to “Every Woman Counts” in the 2008 Election, young single women are poised to be a huge voting bloc. 93% of women say they plan on voting in the 2008 Election, and 62% of women believe voting in this Election is more important than in previous Elections, but I don’t need to tell y’all that…

Join staff and volunteers across the country in an evening at the movies, with a side of voter registration. When you go see Sex and the City (or Indiana Jones) this weekend, please print out a couple copies of the National Voter Registration form and ask those in front of you, and behind you, in line at the movie theater if they are registered to vote. If not, ask them to! That site also includes information on how to turn in forms, and the staff (if on-site) will be more than happy to collect and process the forms for you.

Take a picture, take your friends and send us texts or pictures and we’ll post them online and hopefully, we’ll be able to connect you with one another in cities around the country. To sign up, or for more information – please email We’ll be giving our prizes, including popcorn and movie tickets for your next show, t-shirts and CD’s!

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the show!

PS – If they don’t want to fill out the form in line, please remind them they can visit and use our Rock The Vote registration widget to register to vote online in the comfort of their own home!
Take a look, get involved, and have some fun!

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