Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Entries Are Rolling In

Already, reports are rolling in from people who have entered to win the Rock the Trail contest. We're looking for fresh perspectives on this year's election, on the issues that matter, and what's inspiring young voters to go to the polls.

Already, we're seeing frank images from journalists like Brittny Nielsen:

We're reading inspiring words from reporters like Archana Prasanna:
“My vision for the United States in 2015 is an optimistic one. Firstly, I envision a world it will be far more environmentally friendly... My hope is that universal health care will be implemented in the near future... The United States has gained a bad reputation among various countries around the world. We are misunderstood since our actions don't always correlate with our principles. I anticipate that in 2015, America will be looked at differently."

And in true Rock the Vote form, we're listening to the songs that are inspiring voter action, like this recommendation from Saum Eskanadi:
You could call political action the ultimate act of self-confidence. Whether that be a group or an individual, there is a moment, where we are so sure that we have no choice but to make ourselves heard. The trick is knowing that you CAN. You can do anything.

I owe my renewed faith in my ability to express my ideas to Kate Nash's song "Merry Happy." Leave it to the sassy British girl to teach the gay American boy how to speak out.

Do you have something to say this year? Apply now to be a Rock the Trail Reporter at www.rockthevote.com/rockthetrail. We'll continue to post the best of our early submissions, so don't wait. Deadline is May 7 at 11:59 PM.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats really interesting


1:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's a link to part of my application for the Rock the Trail contest.

3:30 PM  

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