Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Young Grassroots Voters

Although polls say that presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama has a 36% lead among young voters, grassroots organizers in both parties are working to turn out record numbers of people aged 18-29.

The Washington Times reports:
In an attempt to pump up enthusiasm for Mr. McCain and the Republican Party, the youth group is hosting a weeklong program in Minneapolis from Aug. 26 through Sept. 4 - just before and during the Republican National Convention in nearby St. Paul. The program includes educational classes and social parties for a younger audience.
But Democrats aren't just waiting for young voters to turn out. In Florida, the Sun-Sentinel describes the activities of the Palm Beach County Young Democrats:
Efforts to increase voter awareness among young people include teaching them how to volunteer: canvassing, phone banking and the important nuts and bolts of grassroots campaigning. And the group's objectives don't end with registered voters: It has started Young Democrat clubs or made contact in high schools such as Atlantic, Palm Beach Central, Suncoast, Dreyfoos, Park Vista and St. Andrews.
Recent media coverage is telling us that we are the targeted demographic in this year's election. In past years it's been all about the soccer mom, or the NASCAR driver. This year, it's about us.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear and understand all of this talk about grassroots organizers on the campaigns - but in this age, it's also important to talk equally as much about grassroots journalists - as they're changing how the game is viewed - not just played.

12:13 PM  

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