Friday, August 29, 2008

NEWS: John McCain Selects Running Mate

Many of us had guessed who we thought Senator John McCain's running mate could be. Names thrown out were: Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Joe Lieberman. But whoa were we wrong, and a new name emerged today at 11:00 am EST.

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska

So what should people know about her? A relatively unknown political figure at the age of 44, Governor Sarah Palin is now the youngest person listed on the presidential ticket for the November elections and she is the second woman to ever run on a major party ticket. In addition, she was the youngest person, and the first woman, to be elected governor in the state of Alaska.

With five children of her own, including her eldest son who is a new voter at the age of 19, we hope that she will focus on issues that matter to the young voter movement. Through this she can inspire youth to get involved and focus on the issues that matter to them. Congratulations Governor Palin!

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Blogger Rosia said...

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1:47 PM  
Blogger Namų Darkytoja said...

9:34 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

It is such a sad commentary on today's humanity when people use the term "anti-abortion". How about pro-life instead...especially since the opposing view is titled Pro Choice. Shouldn't we all, in theory, be anti-abortion, even if you are Pro Choice? Do you not want to save the lives of unborn children whenever possible? It says a lot about people when the phrase "anti-abortion" leaks out into their platform requirements. that is very sad.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Sekou Murphy said...

The choice is reckless. McCain met w/ her once. There's a bunch of substantiated news about this on the validated websites.

Also, I'm starting to get annoyed when people ask about her experience, and the response from McCain and other GOPers is look at Obama. The question is her experience. They've established that they think Obama doesn't have experience. So the logical conclusion is that she doesn't either. So then why pick her???

6:41 PM  
Blogger VAL said...

What a joke! I'm still baffled that McCain gave no thought to his pick for VP. After only meeting someone once in your entire life, he can honestly say that he has no problem with her helping run the country. The poor man is ready to keel over and die for God's Sake! It's obvious these Repbulicans are pandering.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

"we hope that she will focus on issues that matter to the young voter movement. Through this she can inspire youth to get involved and focus on the issues that matter to them. Congratulations Governor Palin!"

She will do none of the above, unless the youth are on the same page as her and that will not be a majority.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

It is such a sad commentary on today's humanity when people use the term "anti-abortion".

No. What is sad is that the use of the term "Pro-Choice" is a positive term used precisely for what it means- Free to make our own choices about our bodies and our lives, which can include a pro-life decision if the individual chooses

On the other hand, the term "Pro-Life" is , in a general sense, usually tossed around in a very hypocritical way, as if it were some sort of badge of honor by those that wield it as if it were a "lethal injection" to the Pro-Choicers., Pro-Life but Pro-death Penalty.
Pro-Life, but also Pro-War. Pro-Life, but also anti-poor. Pro-Life, but also anti-choice for the individual,
Pro-Life, but also Pro-pre-emptive strike.
Pro-Life but also Pro-Occupation. Pro-life, but also Anti-Science (the building blocks of life itself).
Pro-Life, but also Anti-Any-Other-God-But-Theirs.

Pro-Life in the Sarah Palin's pro-life mind-set is anything but, my friend.

It says a lot about you when the term "pro-life" is only used when it comes to a hot-button (political) issue like "abortion".

Yes. It is indeed very sad.

10:08 PM  

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