Monday, August 25, 2008

More from the 81.6 tag team

I couldn’t help but get a little nervous when they started handing out staple guns tape and black t-shirts. I’ve seen heist movies before and most have a scene like this in them.

Later, when the map of downtown Denver was unfurled on the carpet, I knew I was in for an interesting night.

In the cover of night, three teams of Rock the Vote staffers hit the streets with posters and a plan. On the poster was the number 81.6 in big white font that represent the 81.6% of registered young voters that voted in ‘04. The plan, well the plan was for Denver to wake up to a chalk 81.6 colored onto every street corner and posters on every telephone pole.

On the dark streets of downtown Denver, under the stars and neon bar awnings, we postered our hearts out. We put the signs up in front of all the major hotels all the major gathering areas and as close as we could get to the convention center. Cars and people on foot stopped to ask us about these black signs with big white numbers on them. We told them to text DENVER to RTVOTE to find out more. We posted so many posters I'm gonna hear the sound of the sticky part of tape ripping from the smooth side in my sleep… if I get any sleep.

I have to say I felt like some kind of poster posting Batman. Though I'm sure Batman would not caught dead in the purple flannel I was wearing. In any case I can’t wait to do it again, another night another number…keep an eye out.

-- from Rock the Trail reporter Donny Lumpkins

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also volunteering for Rock the Vote @ the Convention, so I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. I may be roaming the streets of downtown doing exactly the same thing on Wednesday evening!!??

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the poster I made with RTV logos:

Register. Vote. Or let someone's grandparents decide your future!

7:27 PM  

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