Saturday, August 23, 2008

College Affordability at the DNCC

[Ed.'s note-- this piece is part of a series on youth perspectives on the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Daniel Harwell is a Elon University student attending the DNCC with The Washington Center.]

As the week of the Democratic National Convention approaches, we are hearing a lot about foreign policy, the economy, and high gas prices but where are the issues that are facing the youth? Let's face it… Barack would not be the nominee without the hard work of a lot of youth-- plus their votes. In the past the youth vote has been ignored, but this year has to be different.

If Obama and the Democratic party-- or McCain and the Republican party-- remain silent during the convention about youth issues, especially the high cost of a college education, then they can say goodbye to a lot of important races this year.

You might be asking, why the cost of college education? There are certainly a plethora of youth issues that either candidate could hit on from health care to the environment, but if you look at high college tuition in a broader picture things become more interesting. Sure, high tuition prices is an issue we all know about, but what if you think about it in terms of the economy?

What if a candidate were to create a program for more financial and merit based aid and then tied that program into their economic policy? They could jumpstart the economy and kill two birds with one stone. Certainly you would hear college students across the country rejoice, but as part of a larger economic package a college affordability program might hit home with parents too. This year is the turning point where the youth vote will become essential, so the candidates must hit on our issues.

--Daniel Harwell
Elon University '11

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