Friday, August 01, 2008

Paris Hilton, Ludacris and Your Campaign Update

Just a few more weeks until the conventions, and Current TV's campaign update is back with their take on the presidential race:

Watch on for new rhymes from Luda, new gossip on Paris Hilton, and of course no substantial policy updates.

But no worries, the conventions are happening this month, which means substantial discussion is coming up soon.

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Blogger Blog Moderator said...

People like Paris Hilton are the reason why I support the use of euthanasia as a solution to the ever-growing problem of hopelessly moronic “people”. John McCain should not pay any attention to this pathetic attempt at retaliation. He is 100% ready to lead and will doubtlessly conquer these upcoming elections in a manner so astonishingly magnificent it would put Napoleon Bonaparte to shame.On another note, thnx for posting. Hilton’s overwhelming idiocy always makes me laugh.If Barack thinks having this Paris Hilton do a commercial for him is in his best interest God help us .. hey Obama all you are doing is keeping the McCain ad alive …. with the huge campaign staff you have you can’t figure that out ????.

11:11 PM  

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