Monday, August 18, 2008

Young Voters on TV

Okay, maybe that's not exactly big news, since we do make up the entire prime-time lineup on the CW. But the NY Times reported yesterday on the rise in coverage of the youth vote on cable and network news.
"With polls showing a surge in primary-season ballots cast by voters under 30, media outlets are out to convert the newly energized voters into viewers. On cable news, CNN promotes a “League of First Time Voters” and the Fox News Channel is covering what it calls the Y Factor with a full-time correspondent. On broadcast, NBC has assigned Luke Russert, the son of the late anchor Tim Russert, to the youth vote beat and ABC, CBS and PBS are all running stories by student journalists."
We might not be watching the nightly news-- with the exception of the Daily Show-- but we're making headlines.

And once we hit our goal of 2 million new young voters this election season, we'll be network regulars.

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Blogger my name is ...slim shady said...

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Submit a video of your political platform for a chance to WIN!!!!!

8:21 PM  

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