Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Rock the Vote Nights

Rock the Vote Nights took over the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago this weekend during Lollapalooza. Our friends Mark Ronson, Sam Ronson, Lindsay Lohan, Katy Perry & Travis McCoy, Kenna, Spank Rock, and Amanda Blank all came out to the hottest after party on Saturday night. Samantha Ronson opened the night with Lindsay on stage with her, followed by a performance by Spank Rock leading into an incredible set by Mark Ronson who ended the night with everyone on stage dancing along to “Testify.” People ate hot dogs and corn dogs in the VIP lounge and headed down to the lobby where Fonzworth Bentley kindly posed for photos with fans. Special thanks are due to our friends Bruce and Brian at BMF Media for making this an incredible weekend for Rock the Vote.

More thanks are due to Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings and Danny Masterson (DJ Mom Jeans) for coming out on Friday night, and Chromeo and Phantom Planet for ending our weekend in Chicago Sunday night.

During the day Rock the Vote was all over the place, registering people at the festival with Headcount, doing registration at the Diesel Store and recording PSAs at the Metromix.com Music Lounge. Pete Wentz recorded his Rock the Vote PSA and posed for photos with his wife Ashlee Simpson. The Cool Kids, Rhymefest, Kenna, Your Vegas, Butch Walker among many other friends of RTV recorded PSAs. Artists got free meals and watched Rock the Vote artists Ben Jelen and Trevor Menear and many other artist perform acoustic sets at the Eastsport Café. Paper Magazine filmed interviews with Kid Sister and Spank Rock in the lounge, and Go TV was out in the field doing interviews for Rock the Vote at the festival.

This weekend also marked the start of the Rock the Vote/ AT&T Mobile tour where our branded truck parked near Lollapalooza and around Chicago. People can come on the truck and record a PSA and register to vote.

Rock the Vote had a busy weekend all together, registering people at Rock The Bells in Miami, Projekt Revolution in Florida and Georgia and a special in-store with Armor For Sleep at Tilly’s in Tampa. And lastly to top off a great weekend, thank you to the Flobots who hit the 9:30 Club in DC and invited all the Rock the Vote staff and interns to come to the show.

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