Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Debate is Tonight!

Rock the Vote is hosting 30 debate watching parties tonight throughout the country, and we’d love for you to come on down to these presidential hoedowns.

Some will be held at Hard Rock Cafes, others are hosted by Rock the Vote street teams.
Tonight’s debate begins at 9:00pm EST and lasts until 10:30pm EST.

You can find out the location of the party nearest you by clicking here.

We’re going to have a McCain. We’re going to have an Obama. We’re going to have some fun as we watch two of our potential commanders in chief answer pressing questions of the day.

Bring some friends!

And, even if you can’t make it to one of these events, you should definitely watch or listen to the debates. Glue yourself to the television if you have to. Actually listen to the radio you’ve got in your room but that you haven’t turned on in God knows how long. You might even decide to use your computer to watch a live stream of this thing.

Maybe you want to invite some friends over to watch the debate and have a good time – check out our debate party hosting guide for tips on how to make that event big.

But, most importantly, you should watch the debate so you can experience firsthand a significant part of one of the greatest political dramas our country has ever seen unfold. This debate's taking place at a crossroads in our history: we've got an economy that must be fixed and a foreign policy that has led to great contention at home and abroad.

Watch and listen to what the candidates have to say; know what they believe and what they dream so you can make the most informed decision you can when you cast your ballot.

It’s the first of three presidential debates, and a vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin is also around the corner.

Make sure to bring your enthusiasm.

P.S. -> Here’s a schedule of the debates coming up after tonight’s (each one is scheduled to occur from 9:00pm EST to 10:30pm EST):

Vice Presidential Debate: Thursday, October 2
Second Presidential Debate: Tuesday, October 7
Third Presidential Debate: Wednesday, October 15

Have some good political fun.

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