Monday, September 01, 2008

Rock the Vote at the RNCC

Rock the Vote has toned down their activities at the RNCC this week, out of concern for the events unfolding in the Gulf Coast.

"We're just watching CNN religiously to see what happens and mobilize as quickly as possible," said Chrissy Faessen, deputy director of Rock the Vote.

The group's party scheduled for Monday to honor female politicians was renamed "RightNow Relief for the Gulf Coast." Attendees will be asked at the door to make a donation to the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund.

Three years ago, young volunteers began a campaign demanding change and leadership in our country volunteering in New Orleans and in their own communities at record numbers, bringing their frustration and hope for a better future to the ballot box at unprecedented levels. Rock the Vote is stepping up to gather volunteers to help the relief efforts in Florida and in the Gulf Coast.

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