Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash's new clip is cut from a never before released audio track called "I AM THE NATION," which was recorded by Cash in Hendersonville, Tennessee. In the spoken word track ­ which was found in the iconic singer's personal belongings after his death in 2003 at the age of 71 ­ Cash speaks poetically about America's diversity and the fundamentals of freedom. Rock the Vote urges you to VOTE on November 4th.

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Blogger guitar5day.com said...

More than ever we all need to vote.
which party is not as important as a VERY LOUD RESOUNDING VOTER TURNOUT SAYING "We Are taking back our Democracy" "You can't buy us, you can not scare us, you can't intimidate us. We are in this together. This is our country. We will decide how this experiment in democracy turns out."

1:52 AM  

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