Thursday, October 23, 2008

OneVote Initiative

Not quite old enough to vote on Nov. 4th? That's ok, you can still cast your ballot with our partner OneVote, from Channel One News. They are hosting the largest national youth mock election in history and you can register your opinion at on the candidates and political issues at from now until Friday.

Don't wait! (oh, and tell your parents, siblings and anyone you know who's 18+ to vote on Nov. 4th)

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Blogger bobby bluefield said...

I know that everyone is gearing up for the election -- as well they should be! I found a couple of surveys relating to the really important issues for teens and students, economics and race. Check them out and let's rock the vote!!

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tuesday November 4th will be here quicker than we think. It will then be time to make a decision. Which of the candidates will receive your votes. Will you vote? Each and every citizen that is of voting age has the political responsibility to cast his or her ballot. Since we have the rights and freedoms as citizens, we have the responsibility to exercise the right to vote and continue to make our voices heard.

In the few minutes it takes to make our selections we will choose in which direction of our country will take. At a time when our changing society desperately needs leaders to secure our nation, the next President and Vice-President will play a vital role. But, not nearly as vital as your vote.

The Kennedy-Nixon election of 1960 showed the importance of each individual vote. This election is just as electrifying and even more important. Look past the negative campaigning and see the whole picture. GET OUT AND VOTE!

8:47 PM  

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