Tuesday, November 04, 2008


DSC_0109, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, Election day

5:40 p.m. MST – Obscene amounts of time, stunning amounts of hard work, enough money to build a skyscraper, and tonight’s finally here. I spent the day meandering around the mountain town of Boulder encouraging the students there to get to the polls. The mountains here are lovely beyond description, the students are unfairly healthy, and almost every restaurant in town is giving away free food for students who voted.

The Rock the Vote bus crew was here with a DJ, a tent, lots of free stuff, and a bullhorn.

“Hey you! Did you vote yet?” Willa, a member of the tour and my little sister, hollers at a passing student through said bullhorn. He tries to ignore her.

“The one with the yellow T-shirt. You,” she continues.

He looks up. “Yes?” he says, tentatively.

“Come here! Take a sticker,” Willa says.

He does, then she turns to another student: “Hey you! Did you vote yet?”

The students are a little shell shocked. You can see why. The campus looks like an art festival. There is the little old woman walking around with a ‘Vote’ sandwich board; the group of fifteen students walking across campus as slowly as possible – maybe a foot every thirty seconds – in a piece of performance art they claim has something to do with voting; there is an Obama campaign bus driving idly around town; at least five groups trying to get students here to the polls; free giveaways from Ben and Jerry’s and Jimmy John’s; and there are chalk drawings and slogans on every inch of available sidewalk.

So far, there are almost no problems at the polls. Some students this morning had a bit of difficulty voting when they brought an out of state ID with them, but the confusion passed pretty quickly and the lines are not long. Colorado has had an absurdly successful early voting program and something in the realm of 70% of the students voted before election day. So the overwhelming response to our door knocking, our phone calls, and our bullhorn interactions is ‘I already voted.’

If it’s true – and it looks like it may be – then the young voters may have this particular vote very thoroughly rocked.

--Nick Brown


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a lesbian in birmingham, AL formally baton rouge, LA..... I voted McCain. I work in the mortgage world.... Isn't anyone worried about Obama and his radicial preachers views???

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready for the reparation checks to start rolling out

11:20 PM  
Blogger SRGPORTorigem said...

Obama, McCain...! venha o diabo e escolha um dos dois...!
O desfar-se não podia ser melhor, eu não o tinha feito melhor, Obama um presente envenenado para o povo americano. O povo dos USA é um povo bom, quem comanda e quem governa os USA é que não vale o chão que pisa.
O Obama é um desfar-se muito bem elaborado, pelos senhores poderosos que governam os USA.
Não é por a caso que os barões dos milhões, e que comandam os destinos dos USA puseram e patrocinaram a campanha do Obama, os Barões desembolsaram milhões, agora a factura vai ser apresentada...!
E a história já ensinou, quem entra no grupo, e quem não paga... ! só tem uma via, o fim da barreira.
Obama não vai ser nenhum, salvador do mundo, antes pelo contrário, o Obama vai seguir as políticas actuais e desenvolvidas pelos senhores da guerra, pois o Obama está prisioneiro dos milhões do patrocino para a sua campanha, e foi isso que lhe deu a vitória...! dinheiro paga-se com favores, para depois serem convertidos em dinheiro de novo. A guerra é o negocio mais lucrativo do mundo, pois através da guerra, fazem-se invasões, para depois se poder explorar os recursos do território invadido.
A Europa que abra os olhos e esteja atenta, pois o plano dos USA é um plano muito vasto e muito perigoso, o comando está nas mãos de quem não devia de existir, e só existe por culpa da humanidade.

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6:16 AM  

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