Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day Open Thread

Polls have opened in 26 states and the District of Columbia. Where are you today? Volunteering? Voting? Share your stories, photos and videos here by posting a comment to this thread.

Remember if you have any problems on Election Day, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. They can help you with everything from ID requirements to what to do if you are turned away from your polling place.

Check back soon for more Election Day stories including updates from Rock the Vote volunteers who should be visible in The Early Show crowd in just a few minutes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank u r information

it very useful

8:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ROCKIN' The Vote early this morning in Stafford Texas

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent in my rock the vote registration months ago and was not on the list this morning in NYC. I had to fill out a paper ballot. what a bunch of crap. thanks for nothing, rock the vote.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Julia said...

New York did experience a backlog in voter registrations. If you sent in your form by the deadline, you should call 1-866-OUR-VOTE. Lawyers are standing by to help you.

It's good that you cast a provisional ballot. Don't worry, it will count.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted in Washington DC this morning. There was significant delay (2 hours) before I was able to get into the polling place, but the atmosphere was very upbeat. No one was complaining; everyone seemed very focused on the task at hand.

My district is 95+% democrat, and was of one mind. I can see the voting experience being very different in swing districts, but that's where we need it.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im going to vote after class, and im encouraging all my friends to get out there and stand up for what they believe!!!

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be honest, I am not voting and not registered to vote. I feel that as much research as I do on both candatets I still feel that is does not matter who I would vote for because I would be voting on a naive evaluation of what kind of a person could run this country. So should I have voted? Or was it smart to leave it up to people who know what they want.

11:20 AM  
Blogger jimvsmij said...

Whoever I vote for president always seems to lose. This year I figured out my strategy. Since I have such bad luck I voted for the other guy to make sure that my guy wins this time!!

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted in New York City, ED 15, lines were long, because it took the organizers a while to tell people that the lines were split A-L and M-Z. My tip to those who have not voted, make sure you're in the right line! But I missed voting on the legislation because it was in the lower right hand corner, hard to see!

12:13 PM  
Blogger LMR said...

Just to let everyone know. I received a mass text from "a certain supporter" claiming that the Obama supporters should vote tomorrow since the lines are long. This is false. Today is the last day to vote.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you people are the worst. i can't believe how bad you messed up. you are in big trouble for messing up all the voter registration.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i just got back from the polls and caste the most informed vote i could i didn't see many people in my district but from what i understand there has been no problems (Idaho Falls, Idaho precinct 14) my buddy from precinct 25 says when he went to vote thy didn't verify his address his drivers license shows an address that is 60 miles away i told him to go back and fix it thy might not count his vote but he doesn't want to also i took 7 people to the polls today and im still calling my friends to see if thay need a ride if you are in the Idaho Falls area and need a ride please call Tyler @ (208)390-5944

2:51 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Rock the Vote is not responsible for processing voter registration. Any problems associated with voter registration should be directed to your local board of elections. For information on how to contact your board of elections please visit www.rockthevote.com/electioncenter/
The following is a link to a Rolling Stone article which addresses some recently reported inaccuracies about Rock the Vote’s processing of voter registration forms in New York State.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted and now I am blogging undecided voters LiveBlog http://www.upi.com/Features/Voice_Young_Voters/Blog/

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know how many of you obtained a court order to vote today? Since I was also a victim of the RTV/NYS BOE debacle (I'm done with pointing fingers) I had to get one this morning. It was a relatively painless process (despite a very early wake-up call) and I was able to vote. I am, however, very disappointed in RTV for not posting that in some form or another - IN WRITING! Instead RTV copped out and told you to call the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline whose volunteers didn't know the "judge appointed court order to vote" was even an option until I told them it was. I hope the message went out to as many potential voters as possible.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone explain this "judge appointed court order to vote" thing to me i have never heard of it

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to Tyler:

I was able to vote this morning after obtaining a court order in NYC! Other than the shady "provisional ballot" this was the only way my voice could be heard. I truly hope all the other victims of Rock The Vote and/or the NYS BOE in Albany were able to do the same. It's unfortunate this "court order" method was virtually IMPOSSIBLE to find ...you wouldn't even BELIEVE the heaping piles of bureaucracy I had to climb through before someone FINALLY broke down and told me how to overcome such a terrible stripping away of my right to vote. And yes, the 200 Varick Street office this morning was not a pretty sight - as I sat there in what felt like the least patriotic setting ever imaginable ...the DMV on a bad day, people! But it was worth it. I hope ...

Here's how you do it in NYC:
If you have documents proving that you did in fact register to vote (on or before deadline) but for some reason are not listed in your state/county's "system" as registered, you can get a court order to vote on election day. You just show up without an appointment, get sworn in, present your story and docs (my situation involved RTV and the NYS BOE in Albany - I wasn't in the system after filing in late Sept). The judge wrote me a court order, sealed it and I was off to my local polling outpost. I am a NYC resident and this worked for me today --- i don't know how other states work. if you have any questions about this method (or should I say "last ditch effort to vote") you can call the assistant to the chief clerk at the NY County BOE in Manhattan at 212.886.2106. His name is Larry.

Hope this helps.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too mailed in my RTV registration. I called the office after 1 week and was notified that they had never received my change of address. This is the 2nd time Orange County, CA does this to me. What's the best option? I'm still going to vote on a provisional ballot. How can we be sure our vote will count?

4:26 PM  
Blogger blackrain said...

I voted early on October 31 in Denver, CO and am glad I did. It is good to see this much participation. People really want to see a change.

7:09 PM  

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