Monday, November 03, 2008

Young Voters at the NASDAQ!

Today a group of young voters joined Rock the Vote to ring the NASDAQ bell in NYC! After, the group hung out by the AT&T mobile bus and had their picture taken with the AT&T Samsung BlackJack II phone!

Remember, tomorrow November 4th is Election Day! Make sure you VOTE! If you have any questions or encounter problems at the polls, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE! Rock the Vote will also be at The Early Show TOMORROW for Election Day! Come to 59th and 5th at 7:45am to cheer us on! Let's make sure the youth vote is represented! Help us ROCK THE VOTE TOMORROW!

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Blogger bryfry said...

Hillary was robbed! She had the votes. I'm a democrat, and I give my vote to John McCain, not only because he has dedicated his entire life to serving this great nation of ours, but also because he was smart enough to pick a strong woman as his running mate. Let's give Hillary a chance in 2012!

2:13 AM  

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