Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diplo in Detroit

DSC_0092, originally uploaded by Rock the Vote 2008.

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

Miles travelled today – 230 so far

5:04 p.m. – somewhere between Detroit and Philadelphia

My ears are still ringing. Or not ringing really. No, it’s more of an ache, like two screws pushed through your eardrums and just a touch into the brain. Of course, the brain doesn’t have nerves, so there’s very little chance that I would feel the screws. So let’s stick with ‘my ears are ringing.’

Why are they ringing? Well, last night was loud. Volcano eruption loud. Explosive device loud. Loud like the the contained screams of a hundred teenage girls released in a single burst: chest-vibrating, floor-rumbling, banshee-wailing loud. The four of us who stayed for the entirety of the concert came downstairs this morning and spoke like octogenarians.

“Who’s driving?”


“Who’s driving today?”

“I keep hearing ‘thriving.’ Are you saying ‘thriving?’”

“Yes, driving. Who’s driving?”

“Oh. I will.”


“I said ‘I will.’”

“That’s lovely, but who’s driving?”

It was loud enough to persuade me I need to start wearing earplugs at these things, loud enough that now, nearly 24 hours later, I can still feel the dull throb of speakers blasting full force.

Diplo sets up his DJ booth with an array of lights that make it seem like you are staring into the windshield of a starship at light speed. You look forward over the crowd and the lights pulse from purple to blue to green to nothing and then back to blue. It’s like watching a Lite Brite operated by a speed freak. Except more awesome. I have never been to Ibiza and I’m not on short lists for the New York clubs, but now I want to be.

Obviously, this being Rock the Vote, we had a quick chat with Diplo about his thoughts on voting before the show. If you want to catch that, we’ll have it up here ( in a couple days. If you want to catch him in concert his schedule is here ( Bring something to protect your ears.


Blogger Nimish said...

How are you going to help those of us that Rock The Vote screwd over in New York State? I just found out that you had the wrong address on the application to fill in, and no instructions letting me know this.

I sent it in, and now I'm disenfanchised because it went to the state capitol and not the local election office.

What are you guys doing to help us vote?????

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:54 PM  

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