Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Young Voters Make History

You did it.

Tonight Rock the Vote is celebrating alongside young Americans nationwide as reports indicate record turnout in the 2008 election. From coast to coast we have witnessed young voters flooding the polls excited and enthusiastic to cast their ballots.

For 18 years Rock the Vote has promised that young people would reward elected officials and candidates for public office with their support on Election Day if they were reached out to in a sustained, substantive and authentic way.

President-elect Obama did precisely that and more. He responded to the concerns and questions that they have. He found them on the Internet, engaged them through text messaging and technology and devoted resources and time to earn their trust.

This is a transformative moment. Research shows that once people register and vote for the first time, they become active members of the electorate for the rest of their lives. The same people who elected President-elect Obama will now ensure that he has the support to make the real changes so many of us have been calling for. And in the future public officials who overlook them as a bloc will do so at their own peril.

“Young voters have dispelled the notion of an apathetic generation and proved the pundits, reporters and political parties wrong by voting in record numbers today,” said Heather Smith, the Executive Director of Rock the Vote. “The Millennial generation is making their mark on politics and shaping our future.”

Rock the Vote has worked tirelessly to respond to those people who were skeptical about whether and to what extent young people care to get involved in politics. After tonight, there is no question: young people care deeply about and are very motivated to serve the vision they have for their futures.

Tonight, Rock the Vote celebrates the historic levels of turnout we witnessed in this election with the more than 2.5 million young people who downloaded registration forms from our website, attended our rallies, responded to our text messages, wore our t-shirts, visited our bus. They changed our country and politics forever. It will never be the same.

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Blogger Bsquared86 said...

I can't stop these tears of joy from flowing down my face!

Thank you to everyone that voted, no matter who you voted for!

"We need to be the change we wish to see in the world."--Ghandi

I think we are on our way!

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"President-elect Obama did precisely that and more. He responded to the concerns and questions that they have. He found them on the Internet, engaged them through text messaging and technology and devoted resources and time to earn their trust.

This is a transformative moment. Research shows that once people register and vote for the first time, they become active members of the electorate for the rest of their lives. The same people who elected President-elect Obama will now ensure that he has the support to make the real changes so many of us have been calling for."

I think it's a shame that for a non-partisan organisation you've taken a somewhat biased view here. I think it would have been fair to mention Obama's engagement with young people but in this blog you sound like your gushing over him to be honest!

9:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, with a bit of healthy skepticism I'll reply with my humble opinion.
The fundamental economical(shifting most production and blue-color labor overseas) and financial "Federal Reserve, LLC. for credit to all" platforms weren't changed and not even considered to review.
So we'll rely on another twist that will surely come from Wall Street. So let's just bag that now they'll not going to skin as with another "sub-prime" scheme and another round of bail-outs.
So u truly believe that with the Democrats in the House cockpit manufacturers will simply take a tax incentives and bring their production lines to US? Or open some more?

Do u have slightest idea why they moved to China, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaisia, etc.?

THE LABOR ($2.4/hr compared to $12-20hr in US)!!!!

So in order to get these fat and proudly presented US citizens who happens to be the owners of such entities to be happy and encouraged to keep production within the US territory, Feds will have to promote HUGE tax cuts for them. Which is LESS likely

Pull-out from Afgan or Iraq was placed in "time-frame" for what, 1.5 years? Do u realize how many things can be changed and re-done during this timespan?

And who's going to review the 16th Amendment (1913) about Income Taxes, who's going to shot down printing facility of the Fed. Reserve, LLC.?

Why Feds cannot manage our finance by THEMSELVES instead of contracting Federal Reserve, LLC. which is not part of the Government by ANY means?

And HOW the Democrats will be able to pay our National Debt in such outrageous numbers?
Please look at very bottom - that's were we are now.

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must say I am suprised about how this is a Democratic related response to young people voting and registering through for example RockTheVote. It is dissapointing and extremely biased as already pointed out by another commenter.

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess my voting was no achievement at all since I did not vote for Obama. Being young and not voting democrat seems to render me and those like me invisible.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing most african american's don't realize is that there is strategic black genocide happening. Minorities are being targeted by planned parenthood to "pluck the weeds of society". Unfortunately, Obama's pro-choice stance and stance on redefining marriage. If you go to wwwblackgenocide.org you will get the real history of what the company was designed to do to the black race. Unfortunately they are suceeding! African-americans are now the only race in america declining in population. This candidate does not have the young people and people of color's best interest at heart. He just wants planned parenthoods financial backing. This is one among many reasons this is NOT a victory!!

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also did not vote for Obama! It's funny how we have been bombarded with this bias twist as if we are too stupid to pick up on it or something. It's been that way in the media through this entire campaign process. I guess it works for some, but not for the people that actually know the issues. We have gone backwards in our culture! People were supporting him despite what he stands for!

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to rock the vote being simply a non-partisan organization with the purpose of getting young people to vote? The email sent out today should have been simply about the success in having so many young voters turn out, not about praising Obama the fact Obama won the election. This clearly shows your organization's intent. In the future elections I would appreciate it if you would simply voice your bias prior to the campaigns so people will know not to be associated with you if they so choose.

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I think you are all completely missing what Rock the Vote is saying. They are pointing out what Obama did to earn the young vote.

They are not being bias. Young people did make history on election day 08 by showing up!

Good for you if you voted for McCain. Good for you if you voted for Obama.

Be proud you voted. That's what Rock the Vote is saying. The youth vote was HUGE! We changed older peoples perception of us on Nov. 4th. We voted, we listened, we cared.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. I think many of you are missing the whole point. Rock the Vote is not being bias.

they are simply just pointing out how historic this election was and that there has never been one like it.

they are pointing out how Obama reached out to the young voters. whether you voted for McCain or Obama the point being made is that young people do care and our vote DOES count!

10:18 AM  

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