Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Scene from DC

After President-elect Obama’s speech last night, the RTV office wasn’t quite ready to call it a night. Hyped up on coffee and the amazing youth turnout stories pouring in from across the country, a few of us decided to walk over to the White House and soak up the atmosphere. We quickly discovered that we weren’t the only ones with that idea.

As we neared 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the scene became clear. The whole of D.C. was out on the streets. Car horns tapped out the beat to “Yes we can,” strangers high-fived as they passed each other on the sidewalks, and crowds gathered to sing, hug, and generally whoop it up. Even though it was past 1:00AM, the street in front of the White House was teeming with people – young people.

As I stood in the crowd, amazed at the sheer outpouring of energy and positivity, I understood what these last two years have been about. This is what we’ve been working for. This is what you have been a part of. While the people last night were undoubtedly excited about the new president, it was symbolic of so much more. It was about an entire generation buying into the system and believing in the power of democracy. It was about young people finding their voices and finally being heard. It was about strangers coming together and sharing in an experience that could only be brought about through collective action, each person owning a piece of the process.

We did it, people. Enjoy the moment.



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8:04 PM  
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1:14 AM  

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