Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year!

After a much-needed holiday break, we're back at the Rock the Vote office and gearing up for a sprint toward January 20th. Yep, that's right, Inauguration Day is only 15 days away.

As we look forward to the new administration and the new year, it's important to take a step back and recognize how we got here. 2008 was a truly historic year that represented a new high point of youth involvement in the political process. We registered voters, engaged the candidates, discussed the election with friends and family, and cast our ballots when it mattered most.

But, our work didn't end on Election Day. It's only just begun.

In the coming weeks, we'll be bringing you some of Rock the Vote's plans for 2009 and beyond. We'll be taking action on the issues that matter most and making sure that the young people that had such a decisive say in the election continue to have a voice in the new administration. Stay tuned!



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