Friday, January 09, 2009

Must-Read: Top Youth Activism Victories of 2008

Wanna feel inspired? Check out WireTap Magazine's compilation of the top youth activism stories of the year. You'll find out how young people worked to double wages for migrant workers in Florida, secure $16 million in funding for at-risk youths in California, keep their peers in school in Chicago, and take a stand against violence in San Francisco. And elect a president, of course. Here's what they had to say about Election Day 2008:

"Concerned with the declining economy and inspired by the positive rhetoric of President-elect Obama, 23 million young people came out to vote on November 4th -- the largest number since 1972 and 3.4 million more than in 2004. While youth turnout has been increasing for the past three election cycles, this year, the epithet of youth apathy was finally laid to rest. The vast majority of pundits and mainstream media outlets recognized the power of the youth vote, thanks in part to the unprecedented volunteering among first-time voters. Dozens of youth groups like Power Vote, Generation Vote, Rock the Vote, The League of Young Voters and the Bus Federation worked behind the scenes to help organize and channel youth energy. (Credo Mobile team -- though not youth-led -- deserves top prize this year for designing an easy-to-use voter registration widget for Rock the Vote that made the needlessly cumbersome voter registration process as quick as buying music online.)"

Check out the full article here and then tell us what you'll be doing this year to make a difference in your community - maybe the step you take today will start a movement that winds up on the 2009 list of top youth activism victories.

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