Thursday, January 08, 2009

What You Need to Know: 01.08.09

Obama Warns of Dire Consequences Without Stimulus
"President-elect Barack Obama today warned of double digit unemployment and a "generation" of lost earnings if his upcoming economic stimulus plan is not enacted quickly by Congress. In a speech today at George Mason University in Fairfax, Obama warned that failure to pass the plan -- expected to cost as much as $800 billion -- means that "a bad situation could become dramatically worse.""

Cheney: Obama should keep terror policies
"Vice President Dick Cheney said Wednesday it would be a mistake for President-elect Barack Obama to scrap the Bush administration's terrorist-fighting policies designed to prevent future attacks on the U.S."

Colorado political leaders make American history
"In Washington, all eyes are on President-elect Barack Obama, but 1,700 miles away, in Colorado, another historic swearing-in has taken place.

For the first time in American history, African-Americans lead both chambers of a state legislature."

Congress meets to count electoral votes
"The House and Senate are coming together in a centuries-old tradition to count the electoral votes from the November election and formally declare that Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the United States."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of that dang liberal agenda! Yaarrgghh!

11:08 PM  

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