Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Freshman Class: House of Representatives Edition

Unlike the staggered six-year terms in the Senate, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election every two years. On November 4th, 54 new Representatives were voted into office.

Check out the list below for all of the new U.S. House Representatives in the 111th Congress and see if your rep is a newbie!

Alabama-2: Bobby Bright (D)
Alabama-5: Parker Griffith (D)
Arizona-1: Ann Kirkpatrick (D)
California-4: Tom McClintock (R)
California-52: Duncan D. Hunter (R)
Colorado-2: Jared Polis (D)
Colorado-4: Betsy Markey (D)
Colorado-6: Mike Coffman (R)
Connecticut-4: Jim Himes (D)
Florida-8: Alan Grayson (D)
Florida-15: Bill Posey (R)
Florida-16: Tom Rooney (R)
Florida-24: Suzanne Kosmas (D)
Idaho-1: Walt Minnick (D)
Illinois-11: Debbie Halvorson (D)
Illinois-18: Aaron Schock (R)
Kansas-2: Lynn Jenkins (R)
Kentucky-2: Brett Guthrie (R)
Louisiana-2: Anh "Joseph" Cao (R)
Louisiana-4: John C. Fleming (R)
Louisiana-6: Bill Cassidy (R)
Maine-1: Chellie Pingree (D)
Maryland-1: Frank Kratovil (D)
Michigan-7: Mark Schauer (D)
Michigan-9: Gary Peters (D)
Minnesota-3: Erik Paulsen (R)
Mississippi-3: Gregg Harper (R)
Missouri-9: Blaine Luetkemeyer (R)
Nevada-3: Dina Titus (D)
New Jersey-3: John Adler (D)
New Jersey-7: Leonard Lance (R)
New Mexico-1: Martin Heinrich (D)
New Mexico-2: Harry Teague (D)
New Mexico-3: Ben R. Luján (D)
New York-13: Michael McMahon (D)
New York-21: Paul Tonko (D)
New York-25: Dan Maffei (D)
New York-26: Chris Lee (R)
New York-29: Eric Massa (D)
North Carolina-8: Larry Kissell (D)
Ohio-1: Steve Driehaus (D)
Ohio-7: Steve Austria (R)
Ohio-15: Mary Jo Kilroy (D)
Ohio-16: John Boccieri (D)
Oregon-5: Kurt Schrader (D)
Pennsylvania-3: Kathy Dahlkemper (D)
Pennsylvania-5: Glenn Thompson (R)
Tennessee-1: Phil Roe (R)
Texas-22: Pete Olson (R)
Utah-3: Jason Chaffetz (R)
Virginia-2: Glenn Nye (D)
Virginia-5: Tom Perriello (D)
Virginia-11: Gerry Connolly (D)
Wyoming at-Large: Cynthia Lummis (R)

And even though the new Congress is only being sworn in today, there are already some vacancies that need to be filled:

Rahm Emanuel, the Representative from Illinois' 5th District, resigned his seat effective January 2, 2009 in order to become President-elect Obama's Chief of Staff in the White House. A special election will be held on April 7, 2009 to fill the seat.

Hilda Solis, the Representative from California's 32nd District, is expected to resign her seat as she seeks confirmation as President-elect Obama's Secretary of Labor. A date for the special election to fill her seat has not been set.

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