Tuesday, January 06, 2009

What You Need to Know: 01.06.09

Outline of a possible Gaza truce emerges
"The contours of a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas are emerging, with diplomacy focusing on international guarantees, including foreign border monitors to oversee any agreement."

Panetta Chosen As CIA Director
"President-elect Barack Obama stunned the national intelligence community by selecting Clinton White House chief of staff Leon E. Panetta, a longtime Washington insider with little intelligence experience, to serve as the next head of the CIA.

The decision -- which was also met with wariness on Capitol Hill -- reflects a desire to change the intelligence power structure, officials close to the selection said yesterday. Obama has chosen retired Navy Adm. Dennis C. Blair as the director of national intelligence, a job he intends to reinforce as the "lead horse" on intelligence issues, an official close to the selection process said."

Obama Seeks Wide Support in Congress for Stimulus
"Two weeks before assuming power, President-elect Barack Obama took his economic recovery package to Capitol Hill on Monday and worked to build a bipartisan coalition to endorse his plan of tax cuts and new spending with an urgent appeal “to break the momentum of this recession.”

Mr. Obama, on his first full day in Washington since the election, held a series of face-to-face meetings with Democrats and Republicans as he began spending his political capital. He spoke of the nation’s economic condition in dark terms and urged Congress to pass the legislation within a month."

Secretary of Senate rejects Burris, aide says
"Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson has rejected Roland Burris' appointment to the Senate, an aide to the secretary told CNN.

Erickson rejected Burris' appointment because his certificate of appointment was missing the signature of Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, the aide said Monday."

Bush to create three Pacific marine sanctuaries
"President George W. Bush on Tuesday will designate three remote Pacific island areas as national monuments to protect them from energy extraction and commercial fishing in what will be the largest marine conservation effort in history."

Obama Will Attend D.C., Regional, Youth Balls
"The presidential inaugural committee today announced the full slate of official inaugural balls -- all of which the new president will attend-- and there's one in there for every American.

The slate includes a Neighborhood Ball for D.C. residents and other invitees, Home States balls for Obama (Hawaii and Illinois) and Biden (Pennsylvania and Delaware), and five regional balls for invitees from every other U.S. state and territory. Obama also will host two themed balls -- a Youth Ball for people aged 18 to 35, and a Commander-in-Chief's Ball for active duty and reserve military."



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