Monday, February 02, 2009

What You Need to Know: 02.02.09

Obama: Differences shouldn't delay stimulus
"President Barack Obama said Monday that "very modest differences" over a massive package to revive the economy should not delay its swift passage, a fresh appeal to Congress as the nation dealt with another dose of dire financial news.

Obama teamed up with Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, the Republican vice chairman of the National Governors Association, as he sought bipartisan backing for the stimulus legislation. An $819 billion version passed the House last week, without a single Republican vote. The Senate took up their $900 billion version on Monday."

Obama and a Key Democrat Voice Support for Daschle
"President Obama and a key Democratic senator voiced unqualified support on Monday for Tom Daschle to become the head of the Health and Human Services Department, giving the contrite nominee a big boost toward confirmation.

When asked in a brief session with reporters at the White House whether he stood by Mr. Daschle in view of the nominee’s tax-related problems, the president replied, “Absolutely.”

Later, Mr. Obama’s chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, expressed confidence that the Senate would weigh Mr. Daschle’s years of public service against the lapse on tax matters and would confirm the nominee. President Obama continues to believe Mr. Daschle is “the right person for the very important job” of revamping the health-care system, Mr. Gibbs said."

Gregg Open to Commerce Post -- if a Republican Replaces Him
"Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) appears willing to serve as commerce secretary, on one condition: His replacement in the Senate has to be a Republican.

And despite some other recent kerfuffles over Senate vacancies, Gregg is openly demanding a trade-off for his seat.

"I have made it clear to the Senate Leadership on both sides of the aisle and to the Governor that I would not leave the Senate if I felt my departure would cause a change in the makeup of the Senate," Gregg said in a statement on Monday."



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