Friday, March 26, 2004

For young people, gay marriage is not partisan (Part 2)

About a year ago, the New York Times Magazine ran an incredible article about the growing strength of campus conservative organizations. The article, called "THE YOUNG HIPUBLICANS," contrasted the politics and style of the new generation of activists versus the stalwarts of yesterday.

One of the points made in the article was how young conservatives view gay issues a bit differently. Here's the quote from the story:

"But the difference between the college conservatives of 20 years ago and today goes deeper than dress. Many members of the Bucknell conservatives club, for instance, endorse same-sex unions. Corey Langer recently wrote a Counterweight article supporting gay marriages. This is a far cry from D'Souza's day, when gay males were termed ''sodomites'' in The Dartmouth Review. In part, the Bucknellians' openness to gays and lesbians can be attributed to the strong streak of libertarianism that runs through the club -- a conviction that the government should stay out of any and all aspects of life, including the bedroom. But you can't hang out long with the Bucknell Conservatives and not form the opinion that their tolerance on issues like homosexuality goes beyond libertarianism."

Young people are united on this. We believe in this, right? So let's rock it.


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